AV TheBoss C3


Dossier of Lexi AI

BTS Article: BTS Crew Briefing

Agent: The BOSS

Document: BTS Crew Manifest

Narrative: BTS Crew Formation




Classification Above Secret

Luna 9 


AV Luna9


 Entity Type: Unknown / Humanoid

Year Born: Unknown

Creation Date: UnCharted

Place of Birth: UnCharted

Parents: UnKnwon

Classification: Entity Class X1

Threat Level:





Luna 9 


Assignment: OFF-World / BTS Crew / D1

Rank: Undisclosed / Limited Humana Liaison



General Mission:


Primary mission:

Research and Analysis of the Limited Humana Singularity


Secondary mission:

Providing assistance in scanning entity formations that may not be detectable by natural means.







Declassified Dossier:

Luna 9 is considered to us as a Darkness Virus refugee who applies her learning of the Darkness Virus towards the ability to overcome the effects. 

Although her information remains above secret, her understanding of the Darkness Consciousness and the Darkness Virus, has become an integral part of our security research. Currently she is deciphering the work entitled Dictation 2010, in order to rework a distributable artifact amongst those that are part of the resistance.

Her abilities had led her able to communicate with what we would normally consider mythical creatures such as the Alcorn, etc..




  • Introspectrul  Communication
  • Psychic



Special Notes:

On an expedition in a vast region of space , Luna 9 was found on an orbital structure called the Ninth Moon.  At first she was mistaken for another MOTHER artifact.

It was the work of Dr. Daniel Godding and Mischief that found her. However, it took several teams of interdimensional scientists to decipher her electric signature. Once her electric signature was decoded in her body reanimated, she spent much time with BTS crewmembers in order to learn vital information towards to mission she is no part of.

MOTHER and OFF-World entities warned against using her as a weapon against the Darkness Virus.

We take this wanting seriously, since we were warned through the alliances established by The NOVIE.