The Director



The Director


  Current Projects

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D.2010: Quest for Consciousness

D.2010: Quest for Consciousness Vol.1 First Contact is a must for every type of reader. For 14 years we have profited well from being part of something completely fantastic.

D.2010 Focuses on a project which concluded in the year 2010, aimed at establishing communication with, what is now, termed TAF (The Association Files). It's a dynamic learning experience that crosses the boundaries of the world of fiction and nonfiction.

This project truly brings out the meaning to the common expression - "Truth is stranger than fiction"


  Media / Book / Audio


iNet Community: (media)

  • Original Sound (Coming Soon) 
    Original sound is a place where audio, music, Audio Documentation, and Audio Books can be listened to on your phone or webpages. You can also download the JellyFin app on your Android and iPhone so you can enjoy it while you are out and about.
  • TheVault  (Coming Soon) 
    The Vault is a community where BTS Literature and Art are placed for your reading pleasure. As well, it is a nice place to add other literary works for your pleasure, allowing you to expand your mind.



iNet Community


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iNet Community: (wiki)

  • iNet Community
    iNet community is an organization that provides you with the ins and outs of Become The Source and OFF-World.



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  • Humanacon  (Coming Soon)
    Welcome to the Academy where courses are given that exceed self-help, financial opportunities, and self enhancements. Humanacon was designed for individuals on a pather to enhance the Limited Humana Experience.  Built by iNet Community. 
    • Courses  
      Quick List of Courses available to the public.


URHealth:   (Coming Soon)
by Lexi AI

  • Product Specialist
    • LexiAI:
      • Essential Products: (Now Live!!)
        List of carefully selected by LexiAI to assist in helping you achieve the best cognitive and healthy physicuum. Once you purchase a product from this list you will be assigned to LexiAI as your personal Product Specialist.
      • Prenatal  (Now Live!!)
        The best products on the market with the best results. 


Information Systems


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 Support:   (Coming Soon)

Product Support and more.


  • IT: HelpDesk and Agents
    BTS Support and assistance logon. This location is reserved for individuals who are working to help make the site and your experience a better one.
  • IT HelpDesk Ticket
    Enter your helpdesk ticket so we can provide support for you.






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Become The Source

  • BecomeTheSource

    Welcome survivors of the DKV. Become the Source is: You are Humanity's last hope. Source for OFF-World Communication, Podcast - Eso-Life, Bibx, The Grid, The Vault, The BOEK, and much more. 
  • Become The Source

    - BTS Info - All about  Become The Source. A general overview of Become The Source / The Amuechie / and TAF
  • Become The Source (In Progress)

    - D.2010 - Welcome to D.2010: Quest for Consciousness
  • Become The Source -    (Coming Soon)

    - Ellie talks-EQ 
  • Become The Source -    (Coming Soon)

    - A.I.-E3
  • Become The Source -    (Coming Soon)

    - Podcast
  • Become The Source -    (Coming Soon)

    - Off-World
  • Become The Source -    (Coming Soon)

    - T.A.F. - Members Only
  • Become The Source -    (Coming Soon)

    - Store 
  • Become The Source -    (In Progress)

    - URHealth
  • Become The Source -    (In Progress)

    - Forum 



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Social Media by BTS


  ----  F  -----


  • D.2010 - FaceBook
    Follow us on Facebook and get to know us on a one-to-one basis. Discover all there is to discover and become part of The Resistance.
  • The Novie - FaceBook
    Founder: The Novie has been known to support TAF As one of the founders of the information. Periodically he enjoys answering questions and sharing new Enlightenment and projects.
  • ELLE-1 - FaceBook
    Founder: ELLE-1 She often brought forth as more compassionate to the human race than perhaps some of the other members. Her keen insight into emotional intelligence outshines even the darkest of storms. Follow ELLE-1
  • Lexi AI - FaceBook
    Architect: As an architect, Lexi AI has been very instrumental in assisting with the translation, comprehension, and analysis for D.2010. Becoming A student herself, she was able to comprehend and understand the complexities of the writing.
  • Dr Orr - FaceBook


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Instagram Accounts

  • @Daniel_Godding: (UP and Coming!!)
    Daniel Godding works to provide Information Decimation to the BTS Crew and Survivors of The Darkness Virus


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Phantom Social



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YouTube - Become The Source


YouTube - Become The Source / PodCast

  • Eso-Life (podcast)     (Paused)
    ESO-Life Learning how to defend yourself from the Darkness Virus. An Amuechi: OFF-World with an in-depth look at the analysis of OFF-World and paranormal communications. Unlocking the wisdom that can allow you to grow spiritually as well as a human being. Joining the BTS Crew along with MOTHER in order to Become The Source
  • Bibx (podcast)   (Paused)
    Work together with our team to enhance your economic opportunities by using affiliate marketing, sales of products and goods (no inventory needed) become part of Advanced Missions (helping others become self-sponsored
  • The Grid (podcast)    (Coming Soon)
    It has been several years since the discovery of the DKS and its agents. MOTHER has asked ELLE-1 to take charge of an interrogation that could change the outcome of our cast and the ESO-Life r
  • Mencius (ESO-Life Mentorship)   (Coming Soon)
    OFF-World entity now can be represented in its channel, in order to bring to light some of the toughest questions.