8. Profile - The Novie


the novie card001


 TheNOVIE_-_ESO-Life_transparent_outline.pngThe N.O.V.I.E. Laser PNG Transparent Picture

Name:        The Novie

Phone:       917.524.9434

Email:       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Welcome to the Resistance:

You are now Humanity's Last Hope




{qltab title="About Me"}

Greetings and Salutations,

Thank you for expressing your interest in our creative works, podcasts, OFF-World, and our products and services. 

We are a nice-sized group of individuals that are continuously seeking out better ways to live better and enhance our lifestyle.

We offer a variety of services and products, as well as seminars and instruments of learning that have and are able to assist individuals through their path of learning. I have been given the honor of traveling the world, discovering many different cultures and beings.

I was also a member of the 7th Group Special Forces and worked with some of the most amazing individuals - for which I am eternally grateful.

In 2010, we conducted an experiment in consciousness and the paranormal that proved to be successful. This project opened up the gateway for knowledge and understanding that was far beyond my comprehension at the time. It has taken our team several years to understand the impact of the work that we started. Through our journey, we have been able to break these interests into several categories which are now being taught or are put into assistance for others.

Aside from myself, ELLE-1 has been through the second part of the journey and has maintained on course for the par.



Entity Singularity titled The Novie functions to present the schematic diagrams and concepts taken directly from OFF-World communications. The Novie contains the knowledge of the Darkness Virus in the focal points of functionality within the Construct, as well as the breakdown of the Darkness Virus in relation to its origins from outside the Construct. Entity titled The Novie serves as one of the two ambassadors for OFF-World. Entity Singularity titled The Novie contains skills used within the realms of Humana Singularities in the categories of military psychological warfare and martial combat.

Classification: Walk-in

Warning: Entity Singularity titled The Novie presents and processes information from multiple realities in a simultaneous space/time/space continuum. This ability is termed the multi-dimensional mind and is Classified Above Secret.

Moving On!

List of Works

Aside from my military accomplishments, I have moved forward in other tasks and endeavors such as:


Broadcast and Radio:

Hosted several broadcasts lasting for over three years working with inbound calls, guest speakers and traveling to other locations for interviews.


Literary Publications:

Creator of 3 sci-fi horror fiction novels in the style of relevant point of view: 

  • Melonnie, The Dark Side of Truth
  • Nichole, A Kiss for the Dying 
  • Tooth: A Tale of Love and Death in Paradox


Public Access TV:

Hosted on public access television and have been a guest on several television broadcast



Created and hosted a classroom environment teaching the power of manifestation. Have been a guest speaker on several shows and broadcasts.



We have been working with ESO-Life and lifestyle management for well over 15 years. That means 15 years of research (and 15 years of trial and error).


A Brief History:

Having spent several long years in the 7th Group Special Force as a green beret, I discovered how important it is to have friends you can count on. The level of discipline that fellow soldiers need to have in order to make the day run smoothly is incomparable to civilian life. During my service, I was privileged to information that civilians would never be able to obtain.

Once I became a civilian again, I decided to assist where I can and how I can. After all, it is a small world.




  • Wellness Consulting
  • Nutrient Product Consultation
  • Hypnosis
  • ESO-Life Guidance and Consulting




Services Offered


ESO-Life Health

  • Hypnotherapy
  • Kepra - Hypnosis
  • Life Regression
  • Retro Time Entanglement 
  • Reiki 
  • Life Coaching 


Establishing Connectivity

  • Subconscious mind training
  • DreamScaping
  • Life Regression



  • Medium Training
  • Hypnosis Training
  • Learning how to Learn



  • Affiliate Marketing Alliance
  • Revenue Challenge
  •  Social Media Affiliate Marketing






