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The Director:



The director is an ongoing project assisting you navigate the pages of Become The Source. Is the a prject designed to keep you informed on a project that is forever growing and changing expanding according to How the website expands and contracts.


Public sites are revealed to individuals which have a sense of curiositya desire to understand the work produce here at Become The Source. Most of the stories built on the Amuechi System are classified and labeled in this section. Some of the stories that work with critical thinking or expansion of mind body and consciousness are also placed under the public category.

Note: Not all the pages are revealed. Below are some examples of different user types or contributors that may have their own conditions, rights, ownership of website and website resources.



There are different types of registrations that are available here at Become The Source. With that said there are different types of guidelines that are also part of the registered community. the goal is to expand the mind, the consciousness, and the ability to perform critical thinking.

Special categories:

For those who have developed an interest in the information that's being processed on the site, special categories are formed for those which are students, and at learning, commentary, contributors, collaborators, etc. some of these categories are represented by an avatar. Some avatars are represented by many writers rather than just one writer.


Moderators have a category of their own and are usually oblivious to the common unregistered or registered person. They're intended for keeping the concept or construct of the learning and the experience intact.


Administrators have the right to change articles, remove them, separate them, break them down even further and help with maintaining the website as a whole.