8. Profile: Dr. ORR

Dr.Orr Cagi InsigniaDr. Orr Laser PNG Transparent Picture

Name:        Dr. Orr

Phone:       980.290.3014

Email:       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Welcome to the Resistance:

You are now Humanity's Last Hope




{tab About Me}



Welcome to the Resistance:

You are now Humanity's Last Hope



Hello and welcome to BTS

Thank you for expressing your interest in our creative works, podcasts, OFF-World, and our products and services. 

We are a nice-sized group of individuals that are continuously seeking out better ways to live better and enhance our lifestyle.

We offer a variety of services and products, as well as seminars and instruments of learning that have and are able to assist individuals through their path of learning.


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{tab List of Works}


List of Works



{tab Services}


  • Wellness Consulting
  • Nutrient Product Consultation
  • Hypnosis
  • ESO-Life Guidance and Consulting

Services Offered

ESO-Life Health

  • Hypnotherapy
  • Kepra - Hypnosis
  • Life Regression
  • Retro Time Entanglement 
  • Reiki 
  • Life Coaching 

Establishing Connectivity

  • Subconscious mind training
  • DreamScaping
  • Life Regression


  • Medium Training
  • Hypnosis Training
  • Learning how to Learn


  • Affiliate Marketing Alliance
  • Revenue Challenge
  •  Social Media Affiliate Marketing



{tab Alliance Agent}

NSA-6 Alliance Agent Profiles: Dr. Orr

 Helping Others Simply Become


Dr Orr here, and I am excited for you to better understand what I do! For as long as I can remember I wanted to be an entrepreneur and at the same time be a part of something that will bring change to other’s lives and the world. I now am able to live this reality with the greatest group of hard-working individuals who clearly see the same opportunity to not only provide the knowledge to help improve the lives of others but to also work alongside others who want to do so.

I normally spend my time working alongside this amazing company. Every time I lead someone to the path of financial freedom, I feel grateful for my position. Helping others has always been a personal goal of mine, and now I get to do it full-time. During the after-hours, I play a character called "Dr. Orr" on BecomeTheSource's Podcast Show/Amuechi titled "OFF-WORLD." He is a smart, loving, and sometimes too detail-oriented individual who is in the process of becoming aware of himself and learning from his Ancients to ensure he stays on his path. But we can talk about that later!

  1. If you've been contacted, it's because I've seen something great about you. 
  2. If you've stumbled on my professional profile by chance, read more! I will spill the secrets about all of our Opportunities.


As an Alliance Agent: 

I help provide economic solutions for Social Media Entrepreneurs, Artists, and already-established Business Owners, by teaching them how to use their current Social Media Channels to create multiple streams of income.

I work with individuals online on how to achieve their goals financially, emotionally, and spiritually through our online broadcast, Become The Source. 

I also help provide economic solutions for everyone else! If you're looking to work part-time, at home, or you just like shopping a lot, I can show you how you can create multiple streams of income as well. Crazy, right? Keep reading to find out the scope.

I can't stress this enough: One of the best-kept secrets to building wealth is to have multiple streams of income. Chances are, you're already doing what is necessary to build that income--except you're not getting paid for it. And that's because no one has helped you tweak the system. This is why we are here.


Build Active Income Streams,

Digital Income Streams,


Residual Income Streams


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