AV TheBoss Front 001The Boss

Article: Boss Welcoming

Agent: BOSS

Agent Classification: C3

Article Classification: New Recruit Briefing






Present Time: Timeless Danger

Article: Welcome to the Resistance

Title: BOSS Welcomes You

Agent: BOSS

Agent Classification: C3

Security: Briefing

Threat Level: The Unraveling



Classification De Classified

Welcome to the first day of your awareness.

You may call me the BOSS. Please don’t make the same mistakes as other recruits before you have done.

BOSS is an acronym for Basic Operations Strategic System. If you are looking for the Egoic definitions of Boss, then rest assured that the only one that is going to give you orders here is you.

As part of your mission, and if you are to survive another day in this field of work and adventure, it is imperative to get over yourselves and realize that you are more important than your ego could ever fill. But to understand that, you will need tools and training and perhaps a point of reference.

In reviewing your profiles and dossier, it appears most of you would like to become a Citizen of the Open Corp. To do so you will first have to know what you are getting yourselves into. We can discuss those details later.

This Welcome Briefing is here as a start guide to help guide you through your journey if you can find the courage. If you can’t find the courage to face yourself and resist the DKV, we understand.

It has been estimated that the failure rate is 98%. Once the DKC has control over your thoughts, ideas, and your individuality, it goes all downhill from there. I will tell you that there have been many who have fought with the DKV and have become enraveled by it. 

Of those that have survived the DKV,  they have not only survived, but they have become an ally for the resistance.

We can talk more about those individuals later and you might get to know them. If you are still here in this briefing and are still able to process your own thoughts, then good for you. You have made it this far and you probably will become a good friend to someone like you who is also on the similar path and journey.


Boss speakings to new recuits

Illustration - The BOSS welcomes new recruits of the USO [re-enactment]



As Recruits:

Before we can continue, I would like you to know that the world you think is real is about to become deeper and more real than you have ever imagined - even in your wildest dreams.

Before you become the heroes that you deserve to become, there should be a few levels of understanding. If you do not understand, I would advise you to get with your instructor or reach out to us, through one of the many methods available at our post.

The first shocking revelation, that will come of no shock to you, is that we are not alone.

But before we can start off explaining things to you, we need to establish a level of understanding.

Most of you should have already taken our Egoic System Course or introduction course called Learning How to Learn. This primary level of understanding should prepare you for the information you are about to receive. If you are one of those people that cut to the front of the line or skimmed through your homework, make sure you are sitting next to someone smarter than you are so you can get your answers correct for the test. If you find that the person you are cheating from is also looking from side to side, it’s best you find another person to cheat from.

Collaboration is key. If you expect to survive another round fighting the DKV, I suggest you learn how to use each other as a resource.


Let us begin with stating the following:  

All creations in this universe have been brought up with belief systems, language skills, and with individualized talents. 

Likewise, the Construct you are housed in called a living body is known to OFF-World as a Limited Humana Singularity.

That spiritual sense you feel about you? That is known to OFF-World as the Limited Humana Consciousness.

That doubtful one that questions everything and wants to hide under the covers at night? That is most likely your Ego.

Now I don’t want to mess with your heads, but your body is composed of several layers of creation which belong in different realms.  Knowing how the realms work is a key to generating your resonance. You will need that in the event that you are going to commune or Kommune with a “K”.

Think of yourselves as an old-fashioned Rembrandt Painting, although I would stay away from Picasso–There is something that just doesn't sit well with me, with that chap.

The sounds that go bump in the night? Missing items that come back after a while and they are in the same place you first looked? Those could be OFF-World entities looking for clues. 

But, if you are here tonight then you might be going mad.

You will learn quickly that humor and happiness along with Joy and Joyousness are your better allies in the situation. Still, I am holding you to an expectation of telling good jokes, as I am the only one here that can get away with the telling of bad jokes.

Your body is most likely going to be referred to as the Limited Humana Physicumm. As you see, it is not so hard.

Along your journey, you will be able to read the reports of your allies and comrades as well as be able to follow along with our progress. 


There are a lot of terms you will be getting familiar with.

We are constantly working towards creating an open platform where you can find meaning and definitions as well as other important information. If you are a brand-new recruit, you can use these resources according to your classification order security clearances.

For the time being, and just to get started, you may visit our Knowledge Base area called the iNet Community, (http://inet.becomethesource.com). It is not perfect but it will do the job. If you want to complain, you join the TeamNovism Crew and be the change you want to see in the universe. 

You may establish social media communications at http://phantomsocial.becomethesource.com. You can communicate via our social engagement channels via Phantom Force, or on quick answers in our local wiki, and some more features that we will be showing you in your future.



4 2. The BOSS OFF World entity

Illustration - OFF-World Entitiy onboard the USO [on-file]



The importance of you being here:

Where is “here”? “Here” is wherever you place your hat. Your Egoic System has difficulties connecting to Consciousness and visa-versa. The Darkness Virus will seek this out and exploit your weakness. It may say that you are special and unique. While you can be unique, rest assured you are not special. 

At times you may think of yourselves as individuals that are alone, and you might find out or come to the conclusion that your lives may be somewhat meaningless. While deep down inside of you, as you struggle for meaningful understanding, there's a pull attempting to bring you enlightenment and understanding.

In our discussions with OFF-World beings, we have discovered that there are many centralized layers within individual creation. The equations that make you are unique and not special.

Let us not confuse uniqueness with specialization.


Learning about Formulaic Language:

We have an alliance with OFF-World entities. Some of which we call Brothers and others we call brothers. That is correct. The ones spelled with a lowercase “b” are the troublesome ones. The other Brothers with a capital “B”, are Service to Others and may vary in their quantum nature.

Before we continue, I want you to pay attention to the words “uniqueness” and “specialization.” Uniqueness is based on composition, while specialization is based on what you believe yourself to be. One is more factual than the other, and yet one is not more truthful than the other.

This use of or syntax of language or linguistic organization of thoughts and words to produce coherent sentences which can seem elaborate is called the Formulaic Language.

This location works primarily with formulaic language, as we have on board one of the first artifacts.

Now, allow me to introduce to you Dr. Daniel Godding.

Daniel is one of our field intelligence officers who has been able to bring interdimensional realities into his viewer preference.

These lessons are important because they are the primary and fundamental building blocks on establishing your path.

Learning what is the Darkness Virus will be your primary routine onboard. We hope you enjoy your stay.



Remember you are Humanity's Last Hope.


