About Bibx

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

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 The Premise: BIBX





About BIBX: Basics in Business Intelligence.

For most individuals getting started in a business is something that seems doable. In fact, most people would like to start their own business in order to achieve some type of financial backing.

Except that...if this was completely accurate, then most people would be doing a business, right? While a business is considered a complex thing, knowing the odds would perhaps be of help. But technically speaking, you are already doing business, whether you realize it or not.



Selling Your Ideas: Convincing Yourself First

When we think about selling our ideas, we often think about what we see online or TV. The image of the stereotypical salesman comes to mind, walking briskly while he looks at his cell phone or watch, holding a suitcase, giving the professional pitch, and the bias that everyone hates him.

Yet the profession of a salesperson persists. How is it that so many people get into the profession even when they have such a negative perception of it? Before you say, "It's for the money", consider this. Most organizations put a great deal of effort into having you truly believe in the products that you sell. It makes it easier for you to overlook your shortcomings and your biases towards yourself. And, you will tend to go out of your way to educate yourself about a product or service if you like it. You begin to feel confident in the decisions that you make and the conversations that you have based on the knowledge that you've acquired.


The truth is you may not know if the product is really as good as you say. You don't know if it will last as long as you think it does. And you will find this out through the use of time.

If you think back how many times have you been wrong about a product or service that you care about and enjoyed, only to find out several years later that there's something better, you cringe but resign yourself to that just being a part of life. Some of us tend to have a guilty feeling deep down inside and some of us may even regret having sold a product. Still, some of us are optimistic enough or realistic to understand that there's always something new and something better, so keep going.


Conclusion: This is what we mean when we say, "Time will tell."


The Truth: Mistakes and Missteps are a Part of Being a Business-Minded Person

The truth is that we sometimes wrap ourselves up in a cell of perfection which means you will never make a mistake, and if you do you try to make yourself emotionally responsible for all the things you've said and done. But is that really the truth? Or is it that you just don't want to be found out and judged in front of others, which is the most common natural fear that we have as people?

If you are going to be stopped by the idea of criticism, it is a fear that needs to be overcome if you plan on being any kind of entrepreneur. This is because the field of business and entrepreneurship requires some kind of thinking that is outside the box, which requires a big leap into the unknown. Leaping into the unknown is a big task for many people, considering that most people are already used to (and addicted) to a familiar way of living and thinking. Thinking outside the box and taking chances, after all, means a risk of being uncomfortable and even making mistakes.


But how do you acquire this kind of thinking? For one, be honest with yourself. Being truthful to yourself will help you not only understand that you are not completely responsible for everything you say. After all, you have not invented the things you say at all. In fact, most of your information is vicarious information first. That means that you learn based on what you see on television or read or watch somewhere online or in a book. As Maya Angelou said, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Notice she did not say anything about being right or wrong.  


Besides, you also have to consider the resources you were given in the first place. When you consider that most government-based education systems are still teaching criteria that are over 40 years old and have ignored all the miracle advances, you start to wonder that perhaps you weren't taught properly or that someone out there does not want to change the learning criteria.


In the IT field, many people understand that there's always something new within six months' time that does part or most of what you want, making it really difficult for you to choose the right product and what you expect to be a long-term relationship.



Start Somewhere, Even if You're Not Sure.

In order to start a business, you're going to have to start somewhere. That somewhere might be a place that you don't understand or you may not like at all. But it may be the right fit for you. However, you may never know because you didn't give yourself the opportunity to learn.


Here's the catch. Nothing that you ever decide to do for entrepreneurship will please everybody. And even though you know that you're still afraid that you are going to be ridiculed or chastised by family members, close friends, and finally strangers. When doing business, one of the most important factors is don't tell anyone. No matter what you say to someone they will always find a way to see that you're wrong or that is dangerous or that it's a waste of time. You can tell that to the person that invented shoelaces. I'm pretty sure he was not the first person to invent a string that holds something together. How about the little plastic piece on the end of the shoelace. These inventors most likely encountered criticism because most people would not see the bigger picture. But it worked and we are thankful for them ever since!!


The very same lightbulb that you use in your home had to be attempted over 999 times. Try telling investors, your family, and other folks that you are going to spend an eternity of time away from them and chewing up financial resources because of some dream of illuminating homes.


The transistor that makes everything possible for us to use our electronics was also another great catastrophe in the eyes of the innovative inventors. Two out of three of them went to jail for fraud. "Fraud," you might ask? "But, I'm surrounded by transistors on a daily basis." One simple computer chip can have 1 billion transistors in it. We can easily look back at those doubters and laugh at their inability to see how important that invention would be.


The problem is that there is too much negativity in the world and you're also buying it. The reason you buy it is because you don't understand that being an entrepreneur or starting a business requires some time and dedication. That time and dedication are pulling you away from family events and chores. It's almost like your family is weighing you down...and then there are your friends...


Season One of the Premise helps to guide your way to understanding those thoughts and go beyond those problems so that you can become successful. Everybody can talk about what's already happened and it's normally a very negative situation. People weigh out the negative situations before they weigh out the positive ones. I would say it's natural to do so...except it isn't. After all, trees don't weigh out whether they're going to grow or not in a certain area. They just...grow. Birds don't weigh out whether or not to chirp, sing, and do their thing - they just do.



Nike Made Millions on the Slogan "Just do it".

You really have no excuse for starting your own business and venturing forth. But do it smartly, a step at a time, and don't think for a minute that paying someone to take your problems away will solve anything. Most likely they won't know how to do it either. You have to first learn about what you're doing and what you want to do so that you can be sure someone else is doing it properly.


Network marketing businesses are often very good at assisting you with doing things in a manner that they are systematic and have the tools and other options available to you. Normally, it's not the network marketing concept that's the problem. Normally, it's just the people that end up being the problem. People get greedy because they don't believe that they may last that long in the business. Or, they're too ambitious to make wise financial decisions and understand how to make the business work. Others give up too early in the game and try to take everyone with them into a pit of failure only because they have to prove to themselves that the reasons why they quit are actually real reasons. But they're not. If one person can achieve financial success so can you. You just have to figure out how they did it.


Here we're going to open your eyes and hopefully, get you started on the right path. Remember that we all have a journey to take on...we might as well make it fun and we might as well do it together.



We hope that you enjoy the show.


E1 2022-02-09