The Novie: What is Formulaic Language.
The difficulty in trying to express what formulaic language is, is actually harder than performing formulaic language.
As human beings we use language to express a great deal of things, such as emotions, attitude, upbringing, belief systems, etc. the Japanese had an old saying "he who speaks first hyphen loses."
The difficulty with language is that once you express yourself as yourself, then you're really expressing the limitations and the formulations of your upbringing, your knowledge, your attitude, and everything else about you. Approaching this project was very difficult because we discovered early on in reading other information from other practitioners or other people that attempted these types of projects, the projects were approached with a basic attitude of a form of expression that dealt with an idea of already knowing something or expecting something etc.
This project was approached from a different point of view. It was a more systematic point of view attempting at discovering how things work rather than the meaning of life or whether we are alone or not. By leaving off the type of conversations that would lead into identity, we discovered that we could reach to other entities that were more apt to discuss how things worked regardless what your belief system maybe. in order to do so we had to look at things from a structural point of view. We also had to understand how things Came to be based on decisions and experiences from a point of view of not so much how experiences shape our lives but how experiences are designed Before it actually becomes an experience of an individual. The best way to put it would be that biases were removed in agreements were made to understand how things work regardless whether we liked it or not.
On a personal note this is a great struggle for most of the group or groups that have attended or practiced with us in the past.
The short answer: What is Formulaic and how do I use it? Formulaic is the attempt to leave out the biases of emotion, meaning, judgment and other attributes that make us appear to be individualized human beings in order to see how the systems flow around us. Hence creating a platform where everyone is equal up until the moment you make choices based on your identity.
Last edit: 7 months 2 weeks ago by
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