BIBX Update: Big Changes Featuring: The N.O.V.I.E. and E.L.L.E.-1 LogDate: 2022-01-20 The N.O.V.I.E. Welcome! It is amazing how long it takes to recover from a simple event in life. For example, just...
Hits: 1598
MemJogger (S1E35): The Savings Struggle is Real We need better methods of making money other than traditionally taught. Savings is a struggle; most jobs do not allow retirement, and bank rates are low...
Hits: 2978
MemJogger (S1E34): Balance and Success Go Hand in Hand Think that you’re just too busy with building your business or working your passion to have a well-balanced life? What does it mean to have a wel...
Hits: 2808
BrainSnax (S1E33): Alignment – Being Flexible in Your Identity Think you just get along better with some people better than others? Think that in your life there just "some people" you'll never "get",...