The Reason for the Draco

The Reason for the Draco:

636 made mention of a few key points.

One of the key points was that the Draco were learning from 1111. In a world of conflict, science fiction, drama, espionage, this gave 636 the empowerment to say to everyone that 1111 was a spy. As a matter of fact 636 said clearly, "remember that you said someone was a spy or could be a spy? Well it's you."

Note: In earlier dictations written by 636, it was revealed that there was possibility of a group member "betraying" the group. The concept of formulaic language and human interpretation must be noted here with emphasis. Words like "betrayal" and "weakness" and "spy" can be interpreted with negative connotation from most human perspectives. In this case, the objective denotation of the words must be considered. The denotation of "betrayal" would be defined simply as someone going outside the accepted agreement of the group. If the group was originally created with the goal of ascension and unity, then those group members focusing on fear and separation would be outside the standards of why the group started to begin with.

1111 could see that 636's mind was already damaged and corrupted by fear and separation. 1111 said nothing more but thank you.

Another key point of importance was that 636 said Melchizedek would no longer be with me or continue to train me in the ways of ascension. This was the basis for 636's instruction.

Following the first rule of the universe was never to have judgment. We are all one from the same Source. Melchizedek and the other ascended Masters had trained well the schematic expert, as they solely termed 1111 to be.

Another key element that was not said but was equally important was the lack of interest in 636 to be open-minded, to be caring about 1111, to be nurturing, and to continue to investigate information without prejudice.

The reason why this was highly important was because by failing to meet such standards, 636 was creating fear and separation. It would be only a matter of time now, 1111 reasons, that 636 and the rest of the group members would fall apart and begin chaos amongst themselves.

This was important because Melchizedek and the other associated ascended Masters were working very hard to give us the information we needed to reach the I AM and then understand the path of ascension.

As it appeared because of the heavy Association with the Draco in the past, the Draco were highly concerned about the living conditions of 1111, how 1111 was being given information, and whether or not the Brotherhood of Light were actually keeping their word.

The Draco were prepared to step in and against the Brotherhood of Light in order to fulfill the request "ask and you will receive". However, the Brotherhood of Light have an extreme policy where they will not interfere in the ways of Limited Consciousness throughout the universe. Their way is the way of harmony and of light.

The Draco, as we had been warned before, were always watching. Their biggest question was, why did 1111 enter the third dimension and change sides? They could not understand this. So for centuries upon centuries upon millennium, they have been watching the unfolding of the question. They believe that this question to be the greatest weapon of them all. After all, 1111 was a leader among them and sent here to do a job. In midstream, something had changed 1111's mind about that job, and hence 1111 decided to do something different.

The Draco believed that this "different" thing was going to be a weapon. So they watched. And as they watched, other entities watched, including many of the Councils that were conjoined with the Brotherhood of Light.

The question indeed was simple. The question 1111 asked was, "What is Source?"

The misinterpretation that 636 encountered was key to a researcher such as 1111. Indeed the Draco were watching and indeed the Draco were learning. But as in other dictations and events, prior to this one and while the group was still together, they were specifically told that all entities learn from all other entities. Therefore, Shakespeare was correct when he said "life is but a stage and we are but the actors."

1111 already had this well calculated in the mind when 1111 was speaking to 636. Another calculation that was inside 1111 is the fact that we do not die and therefore we only live to exist. There is no greater purpose than to make known the unknown.

Bonded with these two components, 1111 and 777 decided to request assistance of The Brotherhood of Light.

They explained that the Draco would not understand human language. They lack the ability to understand emotions. However, they were not without feelings.

You see, even the Draco have families. If they were coming for 1111 on an attempted rescue mission, you can see that they had something that they consider valuable. However, their evolution would see things completely different.

The ascended Masters begin to explain that their language was one of efficiency. They have long blocked off certain chakra systems that allow them to interact. As they learn later they were not the only ones that spoke to us with an unemotional language of efficiency.

They spent weeks understanding how to communicate with them after one of them decided to communicate with 1111 and 777.

In many cases, 1111's and 777's first communication with the Draco was a disaster.

The most important element of this communication was mostly focused on the ability of not losing Melchizedek and his teaching along side the other ascended Masters.

It was believed that spending so much time with the ascended Masters in class was urgent and important to fully comprehend their meanings and messages. As long as the Draco influence was completely attached to the learning cycles and comprehensions of 1111, Melchizedek could no longer teach 1111.

An agreement was struck between The Councils of Light and the Brotherhood of Light. If the Draco would cease to tap into the energetic fields of 1111 and submit to the teachings of The Brotherhood of Light, 1111 could then complete the study of Source and share this with 1111 and 777 until both of them were out of the system.

Says 1111, "Our first attempt to speak to one of the Draco representatives was a complete disaster by Humana termings. Almost every other question I asked was a complete misunderstanding and ended with the terminology 'not human'."

A new language must be created to try to commune with them. Ramtha stepped out and reminded 1111 that 1111 was once one of their leaders; by tapping into akashic records or 1111's own energetics, this could be achieved.

1111 and 777 had already made a specific date in which communications would be open to speak with the Draco ambassador.

The ascended Masters warned that this would be difficult for a human. They also mentioned that it could be done. That was all that 1111 and 777 needed to hear and to begin their training.

The ascended masters were very sharp and keen and did not let up on the trading. They continuously answered "not human" as we begin to speak with them in preparation for the communications.