0 - 4. - Temporal Distortion and Inception

AV TheBoss Front 001


Article: Introduction to The Tempric Order

Agents: Dr. Daniel Godding and Mischief

Agent Classification: Sciencer 2

Article Classification: FOR EYES ONLY




Temporal Distortion and Inception


Article: Introduction to The Tempric Order, Time Distortions and Inception

Title: 0 - P04 - The Tempric Order

Agents: Dr. Daniel Godding and Mischief

Agent Classification: Sciencers

Threat Level: 2 - Briefing




Classification For Eyes Only


Welcome to Class


Welcome back! My name is Daniel Godding. You may call me Daniel if you like for this session.

Today we shall meet my partner (hearing whispers from the crowd) - No we are not romantically involved. She is, what you would call in old Russian languages, my Comrade.

I remain single (a pause) - and - (raising an eyebrow) unavailable. You would be wise not to follow in my footsteps unless you want a life of long nights traveling through the universe and giving educational courses on the Darkness Virus to individuals resembling the likes of you all.

Joking aside and moving forward now, (pointing at the audience) - yes?

Thank you very much, I admire your presence as well.

It is very nice to know that you are still present and willing to learn about, what is, or can be called, a small plague in our system. Although there is a lot to learn, in your briefings, there will be no greater course of action that you, here in the audience, will ever take than the course of creating discipline for your Egoic System. 

We will arm you with the ability to manifest, and go into Infinite Intelligence to get answers to otherwise impossible questions.  Who knows, some of you may even be able to enter what is called in Terra-Terra, the Akashic Records.

However, before we can get there, we will need to understand Resonance and Time Displacement.



 DG Temporal illusion

Photo- Daniel Godding - Training Temporal Distortions [Archive]


Temporal Displacement Experiment


Resonance will be a class of its own. However, time traveling has also much to do with resonance. Would you be so kind as to bring that object (pointing towards the end of the stage) out to the platform? 

Thank you. Can you wheel that massive object to the red-taped X (pointing down) located on the floor? I, on the other hand, would do well to avoid the harmonic resonance produced by this incredibly large and scary object.  So I will place my well-being in this desired location (audience laughs) right here (pointing down to his feet) where there is a small and less significant “X” taped to the floor with the kind color of green. 

I know you would like to see what is underneath the veil. 

Let's see a show of hands, please. One, two, three - (continues counting in a mutter) - Now come on gents and ladies, are you mesmerized? Those of you holding your hands up take a look at those that have not. Do they appear normal to you? I want you to notice the two large screens above me to the left and to the right.
We are recording your movement and your actions for your benefit. Now, look into the eyes of the individuals that have not raised their hands.

Do you see the look in their eyes?

Touch beneath their noses so you can check their breathing. Be careful not to disturb them too much, for your safety and their safety.

Yes, they are very much alive. Look at the screen above me. Do you see the clock?

This clock represents quantum time or something like it. The terms have been dumbed down so you can continue with the presentation.

And to be quite the Frank, bad joke? Tell the BOSS - remember jokes are important.

You young lady, (leaning in her directions) Frank mademoiselle, as in Frankly?

Oh!? Do you get the joke now? I can see where your mind has wandered off. And you are certainly not mesmerized. 

As I was saying. You can tell that one of the clocks is running slowly and nearly not moving, while the other is moving quickly. This is due to some of you being in a quantum state and traveling faster than any speed you can ever imagine. In doing so you are moving much faster than they are. So they appear to be frozen in time. This is one example of temporal displacement. For the ones that feel like you are running at normal speeds, you are learning in fractals of time cycles bonded to space rather than time.

This great ominous creature, under this veil, is able to cast an encapsulation that can produce this effect. Your kits (if you choose to use them), will contain KEPRA programs that will enhance your learning in NO TIME, allowing you to learn exponentially, and be of a useful nature to the cause. 

As for your dinner dates, or colleagues that are frozen in time: They have been visited by the entity in front of you six times in their lives. When they come to, they will feel depression, anger or be altered in some way.

If you all would be so kind as to take out the green cards that are in your pocket.

(A mutter from the audience.)

Ah, perceptive (pointing at one of the men in the audience) Yes, you too have been engraved in a time experiment as well. Those cards have been placed on your persons in space-time as well.

What is that, sir? (holding his hand to his ear) That would be correct as well, you have been visited by the same ominous creature which is veiled before you. We have placed these cards in your person using the technique of traveling through Space-Time.

What is that? (pausing) Yes, this happened or happens all at the same time. And no, this is not the only instance of time travel, but it is indeed a kind of time travel. Don’t get too ahead of yourselves, now, you might stumble!

To those that are in the trances, you will now assist them because those green cards will now go to them.

That is right dear, please do not miss placing the card into their pockets. Once you have completed your task come on stage by my person.

Ok, you are the last one madam? Guards, please set your stunning guns ready.

Good, good.

Ok, and time is up.

OK OK! (holding his hands in and waving to the others) It is ok. (speaking to the chaos in the seats) There is no need to be up at arms. Please, please stay calm and check your pocket! Check your pocket.

(A blast)

It's ok, (holding his hand up at the audience) he is merely sleeping, check your cards if you want to live.

(The sounds in the audience calm)

As I can see you're calming down.

Don’t worry about that man. I am going to send a nurse to that burly chap, and we are going to buy him a drink later. I want you to see that he is alright. He’ll wake up feeling good as new.

To everyone else, we are going to unveil the ominous shackled creature now.

Guard! Unveil this massive monster.

There (the veil falls to the floor). This is Mischief!

I am looking at all of you and I notice that quite a number of you are bowing down. You sir in the audience, When did you see Mischief? Speak up.

When you were 4 years of age? On your home planet? Ok, I understand you believe that.

And you madam, when did you first see Mischief? I see. Yes, I can see how having a recurring dream about her would make you feel that way.

And you, good sir? During a near-death experience at age 23? My, how dreadful!

It will surprise you to know, (pointing) if you look at the screens above me, that you were not visited when you were 4 years of age. But rather, you were visited today.

Yes, all of you were visited several times today.



The Illusion of Time

Mischief is able to travel through time and place events in your lives that technically happened today, though you in your beings will swear that they happened at the times you perceived them to happen, whether 4 years old, 19, 23, etc.

The lesson here is that your thoughts and ideals can be infiltrated within your realities, using a mere principle of Space-Time Distortions. When you leave this facility you will encounter family and friends asking about these events. For example, they may tease you about that one imaginary friend you spoke about so much as a child. Or they may treat you rather delicately because of your near-death experience with that strange being that you thought came to your aid. This may lead to having some type of emotions about it. 

Please remember it is a farce and a far cry from what you would perceive as linear reality.

The next lesson that you might want to learn is that the Darkness Consciousness and entities infected or created from the DKV, have the same distortion and ability. The Time Distortions affect all. There are many agents that access time like skipping through a movie or a book in one sitting.

You can visit any place in time by stepping into No-Time and slipping into time into something that seems to be a bookmark in your personal story.

Creatures of the third dimension can also accomplish something similar when they break the veils and perform astral projection, remote viewing, connecting to consciousness, and time travel using the principles of the electron.

Please read your cards. For my audience on stage, take a look at the monitors above me. What do you notice? Correct. The evidence has also changed. However, you have a feeling about it, correct?

The reason you have a feeling is that when you use Consciousness, there are ripples that a multidimensional mind can capture.

However, Brothers and brothers alike have the ability to flow through time changing the reality of which you perceive.

Going back to the individuals who remain in their places in the audience: What you are witnessing is a trance created by the creature underneath this veil. However, as you will come to find out, the trance was created earlier this morning from the point in time which is right now.

When I unveiled this creature, I mean Mischief, from underneath the veil, these trances which you were exposed to brought you back with a sense of worship and to a normal state of performance. 

Remember, today’s class is a demonstration of the art of time travel and slipstreaming.


New Recruits Mischief 001

Photo- Mischief -  Appearing in a Corridor [Archive]  


Who is Mischief?


Now we can finally introduce this charming but dangerous young entity.

Mischief is a Tempric Soldier. One of the most unstoppable creations this USO creation has encountered. They live by a code of conduct, which is not to change Time using space-time, but to aid individuals through the use of their ability to allow entities such as you to revisit your lives in a time displacement you can easily be mistaken for a dream in order to allow you to reflect on your well being.

The Temperic Order is located in a multidimensional universe. Mischief was once as lost as you were when she came to know of the Darkness Consciousness and the Virus it produces. She has been a great assistance to us in tracking down an artifact that can help heal the universe by creating a network of linked segments of Consciousness in order to fortify a resistance against what has already collapsed many other universes.

I see a question in the audience (pointing).

Rather than have me answer that question directly, I would ask that my colleague Mischief introduce to you a technique called Inception. She will now answer that question using a distortion of vibratory frequencies:

You sir (he points) can you now answer the question?

“Yes, how can the universe possibly collapse? I will be the first to admit that although I have great admiration for OFF-World scientists as well as our own, it is within the knowledge of the Creator gods where this answer can be revealed.” - The audience member answers

How many agree with that answer? 

To the letter? (nodding in the audience). Do you feel you know the answer as if it is part of your core?

Do you all feel the same?

That is the power of having learned through the use of Inception.

The 3rd dimension offers the Laws of Chaos which assist in bringing you the ability to reject ideas proposed by the DKV. However, through repetition and long-term exposure, it does create quite the problem.


The lesson here is how to discern what is reality and what is not.  How do you discern memory? How much does it matter whether a memory was inception or created by you?

How do you move forward with steady progress and what is truly improbable?

Understanding these keys will allow you to choose and find the power of your inner being that can guide you into a better and more reliable future.

In order for you or I to exist, there must be a level of order that must be put into place to protect its beautiful creations.

So tonight’s homework is to enable your ability to understand how to learn properly.


Learning How to Learn:

Why are rules and structure then important?

Each creation has been formed by one principal or another in order to create or establish something within the physical reality we see and engage in what we loosely term reality.

In order for a Construct to create within a construct, there is a level of order.

This level of order, which we still very un-cleverly announced by the name of the universe as a membrane, is what keeps rule and structure so that molecules, photons, energy, and so forth can be maintained in order to experience what we call a singularity.

So what are you really?
Are you your thoughts?

Your DNA?

Your vibratory frequency?

Are you light?
Are you Consciousness?

You may have heard the BOSS call on you as a Limited Humana Singularity. You may lean your ear to me in confidence as I tell you, that the universe does not lack a level of vocabulary in order for us to inhabit it, to explain its origins, and so forth.

A Singularity is anything that has the ability to follow rules and structure which is a sentient being of sorts.

Perhaps the easiest breakdown would be to mention that you yourselves are singularities. You're unique as a singularity. But your composition is made out of other sub-singularities such as atoms, skin, thoughts, and so on.

 DG infront of portal 01 1000

Photo- Mischief and Daniel Godding -  Explain time travel gateways [Archive]  


Who are you really?

Hence you as a singularity possess the ability and the Dynamics of thought, enhance energy, the ability to eat and break down foods, but more so there are other components within you such as cells, hormones, axions, neuron dendrites, which are also part of the one construct, meaning you, as a singularity. So the question can be asked - who are you really?

So, therefore, one may be able to realize that an entity is the entirety of all things, and a singularity is the most common part or the most self-aware parts.

Likewise, a singularity can adjust its form, depending on the focal points in which viewers study or understand. But the paradox here is that for simplistic sake, you are a singularity when you are adjusting you. Yet you still exist as the sliver of consciousness as well as all the other silk components that make you think you are.

When we address singularities, obviously from the point of the egoic system, we are adjusting attention beings of some sort. 

Sentient beings then, you as well as others, are not all that they appear. 

Each creation occupies space and time or space or time. Your Egoic System serves you at a functional level but cannot decipher what is real and not real. It can only look at what is learned within its cycle of life and the existence continuum. To understand space and time as well as respect structure and rules, you can choose a path. Your path will then be the calibrated view of your experience and hence what you may calibrate if something about you (or in you) matches the destiny you wish to experience and manifest. And the concepts of destiny and purpose are not what you imagined either, but we’ll get into that later. Just remember: Not all you see is real or has ever been. Thank you for joining our briefing.

Remember You are Humanity’s Last Hope.







[E1 2023-01-02]