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You Are Humanities Last Hope



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"A harrowing journey that we would do all over again if given the chance." --The BTS Team 


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0. D.2010 - Video Page

0. D.2010 - Video Page

Mencius Project

Mencius Project

The Director

The Director

 The Black HoleBecome The Source:

 The past will be your future.

Message to Survivors of the Darkness Virus:
The years have gone by and humanity is steadily declining. Our world is dying, our connection to each other is dying, we are dying - and we are doing it to ourselves.

Mysteriously, the human race has abandoned good morals and ideals that once held our universe together. And now we have just discovered our enemy. Our intelligence division calls it The Darkness Virus. Our only guide is an intelligence AI called MOTHER. But are we too late? Are we forced to repeat the future again? [Read More]
MOTHER ESO Life transparent outline


This message is M.O.T.H.E.R. approved.

japanese outbrothers


BTS Menu Dividers join the revolutionAvatar Mother FullBody  M.O.T.H.E.R. 



 Paperback 02

Dictation 2010

Quest for Consciousness


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D.2010 is a written work based on an actual project which came to a close at the end of the year 2010.

It is a blend of actual resources from documented findings, narratives, diagrams, dialogues, and interviews from the two original survivors known as the characters The Novie and ELLE-1.

The project itself was well thought out for several years before reaching the Apex Event called "First Contact".

The purpose of the project was simple - to establish what is termed in the book "OFF-World Contact", otherwise discussed as contact with entities outside the dimensions and world we know - and see where that could lead.
























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