What To Do About Corrupted Channeling

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

channel-001LifeCast: 2012-10-29


Title: TAF - What To Do About Corrupted Channeling


Hosts: ELLE -1, Luna 9 and The Novie


Short Description:


ELLE-1, Luna 9 and The Novie created this in response to the questions proposed by many blogs, email, and other sources. ELLE-1 and The NOVIE discuss in this LogDate some of the issues that people have when attempting to channel and some of the problems people have believing whether or not channelers are telling the truth.









LogDate: 2012-10-29

TAF - What To Do About Corrupted Channeling:

Presenters: ELLE -1, and The Novie


If you are interested in knowing the methods of channeling and getting the most out of OFFWorld entities, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



To begin with, it is very important to understand that this article is not written for the purpose of picking out who is channeling or who is not. It is also not designed as an attempt to understand if it is wrong to channel or if it is right.

We understand that the universe contains all types of encounters, experiences, and many entities, which is ultimately one family joined by One Super/Superior Consciousness we call Source Consciousness. Given this, it becomes ludicrous to attempt to continue on the path of separation.

When we speak of corruption, we mean the type of corruption that is in reference to data. In other words, at the end of the equation there should always be a balance between the left side of the equation and the right side of the equation.


For example:


Under normal human circumstances, the equation on the left side of the = is a composite of the number two represented by two independent sources. Think of the numbers then, as entities, in particular, entities that are communing with each other, the two entities on one side giving information and the entity on the other side receiving the information. On the right side of the = we have a singular entity that holds the very same value as the left side of the equation having two entities.


A corrupted equation may look something like:

1+1 = 9.2

For someone to seek out the answer to the equation above, we would consider that this equation is madness.


About the human construct:

The human singularity construct contains an Egoic System, which focuses on the existence of the singularity and the identification of the singularity.

Therefore, it is important to understand that once information from a channeling reaches a midbrain (an area which has no neocortex by which to judge or associate, most often the Singularity Humana is able to understand a message which then is attempted to be reconstructed as a message, which ultimately can be transferred from one Singularity Humana to the next by means of using language.

Not all humans understand what words truly mean, or have a basic understanding which is common enough to comprehend what the entity who is channeling is conveying.

The other portion of the equation which is the receiver of information also has a great deal of problems understanding how the words were intended to be interpreted.

Most channelers channel a synchronization of meaning that is carried and splits between the membrane and neocortex.

This increases the complexity of understanding channelers/channeled information.

It is important to understand that neither complexity is incorrect. We have often heard that you hear what it is you need to hear at the point you need to hear it. This simply means that the mind, which is external from the brain, and the brain, are both in agreement and are both focused upon one focal point which then becomes interpretation. Otherwise, the neocortex understands what is most necessary for its survival and the survival of the Egoic System.

This way, it is very easy to understand that there is no right or wrong and that there is only the experiences of the channeler and the reception of the Egoic system and us listening to the channeler. At different points of your life, you will interpret the message differently. However, something is absolutely clear. That is that the information will penetrate the neocortex and resonate as question, forcing the individual having heard the information to ponder and contemplate on the question, creating a situation where midbrain may be involved by the listener having interpreted the information to the question, then creates an equation which then must be experienced to discover the answer.

This brings new meaning to media and other information influencing our actions. The same can be said about channeling information.


 If you are interested in knowing the methods of channeling and getting the most out of OFFWorld entities, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Channel Corruption:

Most of the corruption of the information is in part due to the way the words are used to report the channeled. In other words, the core of the information comes forth not in a language that can be spoken or written. It is a blurb of energetics that comes through, which some have called a knowing.

Another form of energetic transference for channelers is what some people may have interpreted as a possession.

First of all, higher-level thinking (human terms) in its energetic form, has very little need to go into lower-level functions. This is an old tale told to us in order to understand simplistic terms to beware of that which we learn. It has also been used as a religious and military tactic to prevent people from venturing forth in attempting to self communicate with entities of OFFWorld, as well as disincarnate entities. You only need to take a look at the mass of movies, video games, and TV shows the focus on the fear of possession and oterhwordly contact for proof of this deliberate and widespread distortion. 


While some readers may have already taken in the information of this article with a new caution and insight towards channeled information, keep this in mind as well: The data corruption also begins at the level of interpretation. Hence, the listener is equally as responsible for the misinterpretation as the speaker is in his or hers attempt to share information that is passed into the brain at any frequency level.


If you are interested in knowing the methods of channeling and getting the most out of OFFWorld entities, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Is There A Science to Channeling?


The short answer for the sake of this article is YES.

There is a science to channeling. It is rather a very accuratte method to do it, which involves a comprehension of human ratios and the interaction of those ratois with entities of different frequencies outside the common frequencies of humans and the frequencies of other animals, minerals, elementals, plants. Because the most accurate methods of channeling have not been practiced, with and few and far between channelers being actually accurate, the science of channeling does take time and practice.

This is because learning to channel accurately involves undoing what most people have learned and allowing for new mindsets, habits, and methods of communication that people are not traditionally taught in this day and age. For example, the majority of Humana Limitations rely on their emotions for interpretations of channeling. How many instances have we heard people say they agree or disagree with information because it either "resonates with me" or "doesn't resonate with me"?

At the same time, we also know that certain conditions must be met in order to have the most accurate channeling. We also know that untrained individuals who channel have been known to suffer physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. This happens not as a result of being "attacked", but as a result of failing to understand the methods of channeling as a science rather than as an emotional state of being.


If you are interested in the knowing the methods of channeling, you can contact us through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Who can you channel?


We note once again, that we are not here to dictate or designate which entities are "allowed" for channeling, which entities are "good" or "evil". We even refrain from the terms "confused" and "dark" and "light".

If an entity has something to say, then you have something to learn. Take into consideration this piece of advice. Because most entities of OFFWorld origins, whether they be alien, from other dimensions, or what we term disencarnated entities, have different frequencies than the human channel, different frequcny interactions can result in different reactions, whether the reactions are physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual. Knowing the methods of channeling most accurately can greatly reduce these reactions resulting in injury of any type. 

So it is in your best interest to learn the methods of channeling.



In SUMMARY: What makes  channeling inaccurate?


  • The following factors contribute to inaccurate channeling:
  • The channeler's emotional associations and expectations
  • The channeler's belief systems, whether conscious or subconsious
  • The receivers' emotional associations and expectations
  • The receivers' belief systems, whether conscious or subconsious
  • The optimal health of the channeler and those receiving the information.
  • The types of frequencies present and the risk that these frequencies may disrupt the frequencies and the use of the brains (Egoic Systems) of the channeler and those receiving the information. 



For questions, or more information on the most accurate methods of channeling that will result in the most efficient interactions with OFFWorld entities, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..