The Youtube Project
Original Logdate: 2010-12-31
Creator Category: Above Secret
Resonance: MOTHER
Subject Category: Youtube Project
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The Youtube Project deals with the real life applications and adventures of two entities named ELLE-1 and The Novie, along with new-comer Luna 9; sharing life to see if, for lack of better words, they can get along with each other. From what we observed, The Novie Luna 9 and ELLE-1 each have their own insights and wisdom gained from their own unqiue experiences.
The trend from the research gathered by Agents comes up again and again: People have a hard time getting along with each other, and people have a hard time accepting and liking themselves. Considering that relationships are important and almost vital to a human being's happiness, ELLE-1 with later adition Luna 9 convinced The Novie to participate in this project and see what kind of experiences they could have in their professional relationship, both as friends and as colleagues.
The Purpose of The Youtube Project
The experiment was proposed, and indeed it is now being conducted.
The purpose of this experiment was to find out if the knowledge that ELLE-1, Luna 9 and the Agents learned and collected could be applied to life and result in living a life of creation and proactivity rather than reaction and destruction. The Novie contributed his information and knowledge based on OFF-World contacts to create a unique outcome. It is the hope and goal of these three entities that this experiement comes out fruitful and can be turned into a reality for others as well.
What You'll Find Here
The experiment has been taped in small films from a time period of December 2010 until now. Articles and responses have also been published here. Filming the experiment served as proof not only for Agents, but also for ELLE-1 and Luna 9 to confirm the degree to which the experiment was successful. Filming also created memories for ELLE-1 and Luna 9 to use as references and examples for teaching this to others that wish to learn. The Novie also benefitted from filming, as he tends to forget, a side effect of living in the now.
Enjoy The Youtube Project.