Novie: Hardest Things to Overcome

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:


The reason why people fail is not because they are afraid of failing. The reason they fail is because they are afraid of succeeding. We live in the land of confusion, in the place where we all learn how to cheat from one another in the wrong ways. Therefore, we end up adopting ideologies that do not suit our growth. Finally, we are afraid of being rejected for what we believe in and know is probably right.


The Novie Talks About the Difficulties of Putting BTS Together:

The hardest part about putting this program together, besides coming up with some money to buy such expensive equipment, really hit me by surprise.

I know a lot of psychologists believe that most people cannot change. Of course, they promote changing everything about you, while at the same time promoting that you can't change. This leads to perpetual visitations, and constant discoveries of new problematic behavior. This makes sense, since they have to pay the bills just like anyone else must. But the reality of it all is that most psychologists have a difficult time dealing with reality themselves. In most cases they have the worst relationships that I have ever seen.

Likewise the same could be said about doctors. While they claim that doctors and establishment of the medical industry is very good for the United States, you have to ask yourself why is it that 400,000 people die each year due to medical causes (not disease, but actual mishaps and surgical procedures)? Even the introduction of vaccinations is having a hard time establishing their validity and their ethics.
All the professionals in the world point fingers all day long, and get nothing for results.


Well, guess what?

There are two things that are really difficult to get through the thickness of ignorance.

1. Your health is really important!

Without your health, you cannot think straight. When people think of poor health, they usually stick to extremes, like being in a deathbed, or a wheelchair, or body cast, or obesity or crutches. In reality, having poor health can be a lot less than that. The idea of having poor health is just creating a slight inability or discomfort that can throw off your entire health. In other words, even allergies (seasonal as they may be) are a very good way for controlling people. The idea of control is not to force you to do something that you don't want to do. The ideal of control in this circumstance is to prevent you from finding out your true potential.

Most individuals don't understand what health really does for you or what it provides. Like I said, a simple allergy creates mood swings that do not allow you to concentrate on the task at hand. It also produces a lot of anger and frustration that comes out in your language and how you communicate to others. This concept creates a great deal of turmoil when dealing with the stresses of the job, spouse, kids, relationships, church, and just about everything you can think of.






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2. Understanding how important it is to have an open mind and research everything.

Most individuals that desired change often find themselves back of the same routine because they themselves do not want to change or do not know how. In our journey, we discovered that people are more afraid of change than they are of the current consequences.

In our case, the most difficult part of the show was bringing the show to life through funding and participation.

As you may well know, the original team that started this show was 10 strong. Eventually the members broke apart and left the project. As we analyzed this situation, we discovered that they themselves did not want to find the change, nor would they do the things that they needed to do in order to commit to change.

So what's even crazier than not wanting to change? It’s the fact that most people pay more money for losses that they themselves could have avoided if they only understood how to control their emotions and understand a broader perspective of the meaning of life.

Once the techniques were realized and utilized, which we learned and discovered, individuals could have more money, more success, better relationships, and a great deal more access to the dreams they really wanted to achieve.

So just to summarize and be clear about this:

No. 1: Humans, not humanity, do not want to change.

No. 2: The only time humans want to change is when their lives are in danger, either by the means of health, finances, or a loss as in the loss of a spouse or others means of security.

When the changes are required or requested from the individual human, many times it's a conditional request for change. Conditional means temporary, so this means that they can crawl back into the same hole where their habits and belief systems can return to being the same thing that they were before they were having the life-threatening challenge.


How is this possible?

There are many human theories about why this situation occurs. Scientists believe that the main cause is the hippocampus. This is a part of your brain that is basically a series of programs through the associations or neurons. This part of the brains is the main way that each individual person/human stores their experiences with judgment; The brain then is programmed to expect a certain result.

For those that are Bible scholars, there is a passage which states that you should teach your child during the early years so he will never leave the path. From an egocentric point of view, where most individual human beings (the singularity of existence) see their singular perspective reality, one may not realize that in a global nonjudgmental way this will applies for what is called villains and heroes identically. In other words, it doesn't matter whether you are trained as a young child to be a villain or hero. What matters is that you are trained. And properly trained, you will be loyal and faithful to the training.

Adolf Hitler knew this information, and went out to create schools for children. These children would later become his most fearsome soldiers.

The other large error that we find is living in the other extreme, where people want to be extremely pacifist to the judgment of what they call chemical love. This kind of perception of “love” is self-destructive. It is actually a kind of chemical addiction fueled by emotional associations and judgment.

In order to want change in your life, you need to see beyond your personal programming, your cultural programming, and see the value of being free. To be free, one must also admire and wish freedom for others. In most books, they call this a two-way street. But in reality, there is no two-way street. There is no equality and there is definitely no such thing called justice. These are items and things that human beings create in order to get along in society.

Case in Point: A human being decided that running a red light is against the law. The red light was created by humans and so was the law. In nature, you can run as many red lights as you want if you can find them. Of course, this has nothing to do with the laws of cause and consequence which pertain to the disobedience of man-made rules and man-made objects. Contrast this with breaking a law in nature: If you do something wrong you may be eaten, hurt, or you may learn something new that will help you become stronger and more powerful.


People Are Shocked When I Say I Don't Care:

As a conscious entity/singularity on the plane of existence you call Earth, I exist to serve others. However, when those others do not want to be served then it is also not my obligation nor ability nor my right to enforce change upon them.

There's a moment upon death in which many accounts have been collected thanks to the work of Dr. Melvin Morse.

In these accounts, all of these so-called rules, social structure, ideologies, belief systems and so forth come to an amazing halt, as each person sees and says the same thing. Upon death there is no judgment, no pain, and the existence of what you consider your singularity continues forward. The same is true when speaking to individuals that have crossed over through the white tunnel. All of the accounts seem to point to a type of freedom where there is no judgment.

In the actual world, the realized world, what makes a salesperson understand when to make a sale and when to move on is in the fact that the salesperson realizes he is not there to convince you to buy something. He is there to convince you that you need it. Based on your needs, which are also tied to your childhood programming, he will be able to persuade you to purchase an item. However, if there is an incompatibility, if he doesn't understand your upbringing, your culture, your philosophy of life, he will not be able to sell you anything whatsoever. The reality is that he cannot sell you anything to begin with. It is up to the individual to buy.

If you can understand this, then you can understand what happens when certain groups of individuals invite me to give a seminar or have a chat. Needless to say, they are often shocked when I say I don't care what you think or I don't care much for subscribing to your thoughts.

At first glance it seems like a rude comment. But it is actually a comment about projecting equality for others and everyone. Because I cannot change your mind nor does the universe revolve around the egocentric selfish nature of the human ego, it really doesn't matter what happens to you or what you do because ultimately it is your choice.

In the spiritual world I am no one to take away your choices from you; therefore, not only do I not care - I cannot care because you let me.


So why the LifeCast?

One of the reasons I do the Lifecast is because I know there are a lot of individuals out there that do not quite fully understand this type of information. Thanks to ELLE-1 and a few members of our team, we have these so-called think tank sessions where we attempt to break down ancient language to commonalities that we can use in today's world.

I myself am very fond of life after this existence. And I see that even though many other sectors would not like to admit it, having a choice between heaven and hell is life after existence. Who's to say that there is only heaven and hell? Who's to say that heaven is not 100 billion different places you can go to and so the same applies to hell? Who's to say that the person that goes to hell didn't want to go there to begin with?

There is definitely a notion of life after existence, whether you can embrace it or not. So if you belong to any one of these groups, then I do not understand what the big deal is pretending that we are so afraid of what's on the other side.

The ever evolving conclusion we came to, based on years of analysis, is that we pretend to want something we are afraid that we can get. If we are afraid that we can get it, then there must be an idea that you don't want it. If you don't want it, I have to question why? Because once you close your eyes for the last time that is exactly where you're going to end up.


It becomes easier.

There is a silly parable with great meaning about a guy who builds a castle in the sand and another guy who builds a castle on a rock. Of course I know that an earthquake can take down rock. However, all things being normal, the rock will probably hold a lot longer against an earthquake than the sand.

Building your world and your concepts on inconsistencies and lies make for hard life here in this existence. Therefore, I can truly understand why many individuals have so many problems in relationships, jobs, understanding life after existence, and so forth. So I prefer to work with the truth no matter how painful it is or how scary it may be. I know that working with the truth I can build a castle that is set on a structure that will not move. This is the secret behind the old saying, “The truth will set you free.” However, telling the truth is a different story altogether. It may get you shot.

This was another song about building castles in the sky - that song was confusing, and another story for another time! LOL

Best of luck, The Novie


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