Ascension Towards the Light

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

 dreamsLogDate: 2011-11-13


Title: TAF - The Egoic System


Hosts: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE


Short Description:


ELLE-1 and The NOVIE explore the basic overview of what is the Egoic System.

Can you really remove the Ego or is it a trick of the Ego to believe that you can remove it?

What is the benefit to remove your Ego, if you could?

Are you using your Ego to beat down your Ego?







LogDate: 2011-11-13

The Novie – As directed by The Association:

TAF - A Brief Message

Presenters: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE


A brief overview that will assist you on your way to understand the Egoic System.


To those whom are to proceed through ascension and towards better enlightenment, our Brother hosts these kind and knowledgeable words onto thee and thus.

There be items of knowing that will be needed onto thee and thus. Understand you that there is nothing out here other than the greatness of the One or the manifestation of that which you yourselves have created within the One and the one and the consciousness and the Consciousness.

Beloved light workers, know you that you have chosen to arrive in these ethers to what is termed the Failed Experiment, and we within the Allness of the One have worked well within the times that are within the construct of that which you call Terra (Earth) and your home to allow you the abilities to move forwards.

As you know, there be decisions to be made. When the mind fell into confusion and was separated by the instruments that cause you fear and separation, much work and many works were done in your assistance. It was given on to you the power to ask beloved ones. For this is the key to our assistance onto you. Yet you, the many, have gone to the ocean in search of water but have gone there with a thimble. It is time perhaps to ask outside of your means and outside of your limitation.

Be I the Human and not the entity of consciousness, I would perhaps would ask for knowledge of the way to re-membering the self, for segmented you have been into many smaller fragments for far too long. I of the We of the so collectively and kindly referenced to by the one called SeaqMeaht upon your planes of existence, would hand these words to you. Be alert, entities, of changes. Within your temperaments there be many changes. Understand that judgments will cause you more difficulties as per your terming. Beloved entities, aware yourselves that not all entity will enter the light, for it is foreign to them. Beloved ones, perhaps it is time to return for your work is done.

Choose you perhaps to remain, then align your thoughts and your feelings (not humana emotional) towards that which only the Source of all can render. Bring onto you that which you care to have within your lives, and Source shall be called beloved ones. At this moment in time, what we say onto you is remain in the state of reference that you wish and obtain your desire beloved ones.

Those whom expand consciousness, you shall grow in wisdoms and be more knowing of times to come. However, beloved entities, know that with each change you create the effect will become that around you and surround you. Many divorcings and encounters shall become your kind, for fickle you be within the temperament of limited consciousness and your mechanism of chemistry within you. Know you that you are not alone – Heed the Source Consciousness Meditation provided onto you by our brothers of light and call upon the One to fully encompass your guidance. Be not giving of your life beloved ones. Only be one with the One. This will not strip you of selves, but more be it that you shall become enhanced. Well you have done beloved ones – blessed be Adonai.