Origin - Dec 31 2010

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:


 LogDate: 2010-12-31

Title: TAF: New Year's Eve

Hosts: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE

Short Description:

ELLE-1 and The NOVIE - A short account in reference to the beginning of the new journey into Source Consciousness. The NOVIE explains briefly how he left the research group and joined with ELLE-1 (who he dubs as "colleague") to continue his journey into alignment with Source Consciousness. 






LogDate: 2010-12-31
The Novie & ELLE-1– The Point of No Return

As Directed by: TAF


December 31, 2010


Narritive: It was December 31, 2010. It has been some time since I and ELLE-1 have broken away from the group. The reasons I chose such a hard and forceful break, was from what I believe was failure to understand the bigger picture. Once an idea is within the human brain, it is then associated with its neurological connections in the brain, which then makes it very difficult to abandon the idea without some form of translation. But the world we have already entered into, had no translation. There was a nothingness. There was instead a vast area of pure creation. And yet no one understood it.

My then-fiancée, by this end of her sanity, was attempting to set me aside. For the sake of this narration, I call her 636. 636 began withholding information from the group. She began causing separation and fear. What was once a beautiful communication between OFFWorld and Humana Singularity, became a witch hunt and a quest for purpose. I believe 636 thought I didn't understand what was happening at the time with her and her manner of speaking. The problem was that I deeply cared for the individuals in the group, especially for the ones that were nicknamed Little God and Trang. The other members of the group, apart from ELLE-1, were already too far to reach. They had taken up with 636 and decided that she was the Word. 

Despite the warning I gave them and the explicit set of steps and parameters presented, they decided that fear and separation had an important meaning to them.

636 thought it would be smart to send me to the mountains with one of our journey-found individuals who owned a mountain area.

I did go to the mountains. It was cold and snowy. Nothing much came of the days that I visited with the mountains. So I returned.

Then 636 wanted for me to go as far as the middle-lands in Ecuador and other places. I had seen these patterns before with channelors that were not fully initiated and did not understand the way and the path.

Early on during the beginning of our communication with OFFWorld, I began to keep a journal. 636 and another individual that I nicknamed Oomp-Thuh-Thud, did not understand the schematical representation of the work that I was doing, and instead encouraged me to keep matters simple. 636 merely wanted to hear words and follow them. However, there were small hidden secrets in the way the information was presented by my OFFWorld brothers.

I began to suspect that there were what is in order of hierarchy which the OFFWorld entities were abiding by. There also key notes and key factors that may have been easily misunderstood due to the language of Terra Terra.


How I Found the Hidden Language:

Because most of our research dealt with cross-referencing information, certain patterns were found to be true throughout multiple cultures and multiple writing styles.

This grammatical representation of language allowed me to draw a few conclusions to what the OFFWorld connection was providing us.

Because of the failure to understand the hidden line (which by the way was not so hidden), the Egoic System began to infiltrate the communication being offered by our OFFWorld brothers.

For example:

Before the complete corruption of 636, one of my brothers from OFFWorld made a comment of how I was not in tune with social appearances. He made reference to my attire and my physical condition. Last I looked, I was no better or no worse off than anyone else on this planet.

So I asked myself the deeper question. I asked internally, "What does he mean?" The amazing response was an inquisitive look on my brother's face. With a smile, I asked him to explain the look on his face. He said "Interesting," and after a small pause, "You think about everything I say."

I answered with another question, "Doesn't everybody?" He simply said, "No."

In this interaction I saw that if an entity from OFFWorld would be concerned with my appearance and physique, I should take the warning that tougher times were about to happen. Most Limited Humana Singularities would have taken his phrasing and the words spoken to be an insult or a compliment. Only the Egoic System would consider this verbiage to be an insult or a compliment.

You see, from where entities of OFFWorld are positioned, they have no need for judgment or concern for the human physique. Their concern is much greater. Their concern deals with the existence of the singularity, the experiences of the singularity, and how it all fits with Source and Science of Source.

There is no happiness when it comes to OFFWorld entities, because happiness is a chemical that is produced from within the brain of the Limited Singularity Humana. Instead, there is a resonance that we may call joy.

If the group members could have read and understood the schematic representation of the language, as well as the construct of our language and how OFFWorld entities must use our language to be able to attempt an accurate transmission, they would have understood the hidden meaning.

636 had a great difficulty understanding the schemetical languages, and so did the rest of the group. It is important to understand that anything new to the brain/Egoic System may be considered a threat if it does not feed the Egoic System. However, if one would schematically understand and comprehend that there is no death to the existence, fear and worry and threats would be easily overridden when it comes to the Egoic System programming dealing with self-preservation.

Sadly, 636 wanted to continue to experience the chemical boundaries and emotions of Terra Terra. It is important to note that I use the word sadly in reference to beings in Terra Terra who would like to ascend, and not to beings in Terra Terra who are enjoying the experience of being Limited Humana. Likewise, I use the term sadly not in reference to OFFWorld technologies.

When 636 nearly ordered me to leave the country, I decided to break communication with the group and take all of the documentation and research with me. In mercy, I left one single hard drive that contained information that would guide 636 back to OFFWorld technologies, if and when the Egoic System could or would release her from incorrect thinking. However, she would have to do it alone, because I had already decided to go forward into the journey of discovery in unveiling Terra Terra.

Pawning me off to other people in other parts of the world was honestly quite an annoying thought. But I'm sure she was going through a great deal of confusion. After all, who wouldn't be?

Since I decided to leave 636, for what I perceived to be a failure on her part to understand the importance of Source in the confusion that has locked us in within this matrix. My colleague and once student, began to go through some changes. However, we chose to tell no one.


Off World Still Attempting to Communicate:

Unknown to 636, OFFWorld communications were still being transmitted in order to get to me. OFFWorld would have 636's corrupted Egoic System believe that information that was sent to me was based on fear and separation. However, I believe that members of the OFFWorld would understand that I would decode the information in the schematical language that I was working on. Although broken and fragmented and sometimes even missing pages, I was able to decipher a general direction of thought and travel that my contacts in OFFWorld were attempting to communicate. And so I began to construct another means of communication.

I remember the cool streets as we continued to enjoy life since December 12, 2010. That was the date I left my fiancee, 636, and decided to continue the path of connectivity between that which defined my singularity and that which was the Source. Occasionally I would have been visited by what I deemed the "henchmen" of my ex-fiancee. And it seemed she even failed to meet face-to-face for certain criteria. I abandoned the guilt that was attempting to set and settle within me, because I knew that the guilt was part of the matrix and part of the game. I was more focused on understanding the path home rather than the continuation of repeating cycles upon cycles within Tera Tera. How many of us have had enough lifetimes of feeling guilty and then trying to reconcile?

So, something was changing within me and I didn't understand. My colleague was also expressing the same changes in the same issues. However, neither of us knew how to express it into words, pictures, or any language understood or known to us at the time.

The streets were filled with music from a band playing, and the television cameras and crews were walking about filming people as they were enjoying the festivities of a new year that was about to enter. A few days prior to this event must have occurred by way of my energetics and images that I was seeing. My now ex-fiancée had sent me one last transmission. The transmission was in the form of an article written by a modern essayist. I am absolutely sure that the author did not know what he was talking about when it was written. However, for some reason I saw beyond the words written. In his writing, which seemed writing as if he was in despair, there was mention of giving yourself and surrendering yourself to the One Source of all life and all-encompassing consciousness. So I did!

Since I have been meditating for several years prior to this point in my life, I knew exactly how to shut down my brain and not let it interfere (into fear). The other part of the equation was the fact that I had decided that I no longer wanted to be part of this game. I decided that I wanted to go to the truth of my origins. By origins I mean not my human origins, because I know that 99.9% of all humans end up in a grave. And those are the lucky ones. I also knew that there were too many religions to be able to go to one and find any kind of truth. After all, religions are comprised of humans. Humans have limited consciousness. Humans have judgment and evaluation. Therefore, how could I trust any human?

So as noble as it may seem, it was only a matter of understanding my choices. I had to give myself completely to the solution. Any other formulaic would lead to madness.


Dancing in the Streets:

On December 31st, 2010, both me and my colleague were enjoying ourselves, dancing in the streets. The camera crews seemed to enjoy it too. I took in the music of our brothers and sisters in Source, as they rejoiced for the oncoming year as they did many years before. The vibration of happiness, joyous celebration, and wishful expectations of a new year were incredible to be a part of.

But the I, the former I, was no longer there.

It was a strange sense of appreciation for all creature kind within Terra Terra. I know my colleague had also felt very much the same way. The words used in Terra Terra could never describe what was felt, perceived or projected on that evening, so why even attempt when it would only be a simple try?

Understanding that in order for humanity to comprehend within their Limited Consciousness Humana the vibrational frequencies of thought must be resonating as some want the same level. After the study of electronics, one understands the intensity of many frequencies relatively at the same vibration. However, the same is not true of frequencies of energy as they are of material. In the material world, the same material equals volume. In resonance and frequency, more of the same frequencies equals harmony and in some cases harmonics.

Being that all entity humana are resonating at the same frequency during this sequence of events of festivities throughout the world, I began to meditate in the street and call upon the One Source.

I requested the re-composition, or some may call it, the re-membering, of Limited Consciousness Humana into the Consciousness of Source Fusion.

The visualizations within my own mind were spectacular.

There were certain codings and frequencies that were achieved this evening that even I can no longer remember.

My colleague and I continue to enjoy the company of all entities present on this evening. We must note that there was no singular outcry for assistance or help with their vicinity as we have witnessed many times before. All was a joyousness, all was at peace, all was at tranquility.


Source Consciousness:

On January 1 2011, my colleague, ELLE-1, and I felt a strange resonance and a strange knowing within us. And it seems, our journey paid off handsomely. We were now connected to Source Consciousness. The only question now was, to what degree, and what angle.

The ability to manifest was now at our fingertips. However, with all knowledge comes a great deal of understanding.