comedy and tragedyWhat is URHealth?

 What is URHealth:

URHealth is a freelance method of understanding the important ingredients in nutrients at the body absolutely needs to function. You have probably heard the story before. However, there is a difference.

Is an Innovative approach as to establishing harmony between the body mind and spirit complex. We all know and have heard a different countries have a”Gag Order" in reference to helping other individuals understand the potential and the benefits of certain nutrients. Even AI software leans towards scientific evidence. But the reality is a very little effort is made to make public any scientific evidence found with nutrients unless there’s an angle that makes money.

In a recent query to AI as to why vitamins and minerals are not advertised more widely, the answer came back that because they are so readily available and hard to market as such. Meanwhile, there are a great deal of cease and desist letters when regarding these topics. There are certain languages that cannot be used when introducing Wellness, supplements, and so forth.

For those in the United states there goes the first and the Second Amendments all right? Where is the pursuit of happiness in that?

Here’s the deal. Nutritional supplementation and understanding how it works is always going to be up to you, just like you decided to select which doctor is going to see you and not see you. If you think that the industry for supplementation is not regulated guess again. The comment that often is made as that it is not FDA approved. Well the FDA stands for food and drug administration (How Pharmaceuticals get evaluated in that Well…) DESHA Which actually does look into supplementations. Supplements are not a food per se because they are not found on trees or vines, underneath the earth or can easily be extracted from something natural. However there are natural enough that they cannot be patented. It is because of this patent that many believe the pharmaceutical company does not invest any money in such things. And rightfully so.

Many of you do not understand or fail to comprehend that the pharmaceutical company, the food and drug administration company are all part of large businesses. And just like you would not invest money on a person or several people that will guide you no benefit, the food and drug administration as well as pharmaceutical companies and other companies also do not want to lose profits. Wait, Does that mean that when we have children… nah.

Let me in that one right there.

I was a child too - I’m not judging.

We, as individuals, view the world in one way while companies incorporate their view of the world in another way. It is the way it has always been.

Let’s clear this up a bit:

Perhaps this is why a lot of entrepreneur doctors or so-called “Do gooders” Mostly try products and services on themselves. There are some other unified resources which work on marginal profits that relate information of their findings on products and services as well and Such services and products to consumers and the common public

However these processes are extremely expensive. Hence, most products and services that apply supplements have a very unusual life expectancy or very unusual manner by which they advertise.

The FDA at first glance has a bit of an issue with individuals selling Snake oil to individuals and diary need of support from medical facilities. And so the ping pong game goes back and forth.

Needless to say that the Chiropractic industry has seen their fair share of problems on the same avenue when they won the court case for slander against the Chiropractic community of doctors and services.

There are several different factors that do not help us or seem very encouraging when dealing with

Actual Court Case:

The landmark lawsuit  is Wilk v. American Medical Association, a federal antitrust suit brought against the American Medical Association (AMA) and 10 co-defendants by chiropractor Chester A. Wilk and four other chiropractors in 1976. The plaintiffs alleged that the AMA and its co-defendants had engaged in a conspiracy to restrain trade and boycott chiropractic, violating sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.

The AMA had long held a negative view of chiropractic, characterizing it as an "unscientific cult" and discouraging its members from associating with chiropractors. This stance had a significant impact on the chiropractic profession, limiting its access to hospitals, insurance coverage, and public acceptance.

The Wilk lawsuit sought to challenge the AMA's monopoly on healthcare and establish chiropractic as a legitimate medical discipline. The trial lasted for several years, with the plaintiffs ultimately prevailing in 1990. The court found that the AMA had engaged in illegal anticompetitive conduct and ordered it to cease and desist from its activities.

The Wilk decision was a major victory for the chiropractic profession and had a profound impact on healthcare in the United States. It led to a significant increase in insurance coverage for chiropractic services and helped to legitimize the profession in the eyes of the medical community.

Here are some of the key findings from the Wilk lawsuit:

  • The AMA had engaged in a conspiracy to restrain trade and boycott chiropractic.
  • The AMA's actions had harmed chiropractors and the public.
  • The AMA's actions were illegal under the Sherman Antitrust Act.
  • The Wilk lawsuit was a landmark case that helped to advance the chiropractic profession and improve access to healthcare for millions of Americans.



So let’s face it who can you trust?

And how can you get the information out there without having to go through the razor wire that’s been built from a lot of prejudice and a great deal of corrupted ideologies?

What can we do about this?

URHealth Is about sharing what we know or what we think we know at the time we know it so that you can achieve the greater heights that you can. This times change so do we.

We partner up with the Best known and available i’ll fill you a marketers which will allow us to talk a little bit of other products and services so we can achieve what we really want. Which is Enlightenment, freedom, and the ability to pursue happiness the way we would like to.

And like the foolish doctors that have to try it all on themselves, most of us have so we’re basically sharing our experiences to you. If you don’t like it you can ask your doctor who has probably never seen a vitamin before in the pharmaceutical industry training that he receives anyway. But hey you could always ask.