YouTube Project:
Eatin' Real Good
This set of videos dates back to some of the first videos that started it all. In this episode, we find The Novie and ELLE-1 (nicknaked Laurita in the videos) experimenting with the idea of sharing a part of their lives with each other and taping it for research purposes.
Says The Novie,
"This all began as an experiment on life. I've always said, I'm just living life and loving it. Of course, that's always more complex than saying it! Either way you look at it, there is alot to be said about two people getting along. For one, it seems to be a rarity here on Earth. On the other hand, I see the obstacles and the systems in place that have kept people from living life and loving it. So for two people to get along anyway, despite all that, is something big in my book. Of course, the definition of 'getting along' is different to so many people. So that's why we decided to follow the example of being the change we wish to see in the world: we just lived, got along, and taped it. Simple as that."
I'm beginning to catch a theme here indeed: Why so much eating?
Says ELLE-1,
"Eating has been historically associated with developing bonds, negotiating deals, setting agreements between two parties, and of course, strengthening friendships. You can think of the more insidious reasons people have eaten together, like plans to manipulate or trade favors, but that's another story all together. In this case, we have found that amid the hard work we have done so far creating this project, events like eating dinner have proven to revitalize the energies for me.
"I guess it also gives The Novie a real chance to interact with civilized human culture, too. But I don't think we should tell him that quite yet..."