0 - 3. Daniel Godding - Communications Consciousness Orientation

AV TheBoss Front 001

Dr. Daniel Godding

Article: Consciousness Orientation

Agent: Daniel Godding

Agent Classification: Sciencer 2

Article Classification: FOR EYES ONLY 





Consciousness Orientation

Article: Welcome to the DKV Resistance 

Title: 0 - P03 - Intro to Consciousness

Agent: Dr. Daniel Godding

Agent Classification: Sciencer

Security: For EYES ONLY

Threat Level: The Unravelling



Classification For Eyes Only

Welcome to the DKV Resistance

Day 3 of Training and Orientation


DG Welcomes Recuits 001


Illustration - New Recruits Enlistment assembling for training onboard of the USO [re-enactment]



Thank you very much for attending another day of exciting lectures and demonstrations in order to perpetuate and expand your level of understanding. As if you did not have enough on your plate as of yet.

As you may already have figured out, this is a volunteer army. The knowledge you shall receive is applicable to you and only to you. Do not attempt to teach others, not at least until you are ready for service. Oh, my lord, did that sound like a warning? My apologies if it has come across as so, but the advice still stands.

Allow me to perhaps allow a bit of a colorful explanation:

Currently, the best thing you can do is learn this information so you can defend yourself. Think of it in this fashion, if you will: In order to give or loan someone some tangible currency, you first have to have tangible currency in which to give. 

Using that analogy, then we might say that it would rather be a beneficial circumstance if you understand your role as a member of the resistance and have the equipment needed before you put on the red cape.

The BOSS has clearly explained, in a bit of a rather obscure manner, that his engagement in speaking to you is to bring you the tools and strategies which will assist you in overcoming the DKV.

My service to you is within the limitations of showing you some of the experiences we have encountered and providing you with the knowledge to overcome your adversary.

But enough of the power speech, yes?

For those of you that wish to become a citizen of the Open Corp, knowledge is the first key to opening a larger world.

The most you might be able to perform is self-contemplation in order that you might gain some sort of enlightenment.

Let’s go through the agenda for the next few hours.

Feel free to walk to the back of the vessel and eat some snacks.

As I have mentioned, welcome back. 

By now you're probably thinking about a great many delightful things. You most likely are experiencing an assortment of ideas and concepts that are being processed through your mind. But these thoughts may be accompanied by another set of thoughts where you find yourself asking more questions than you have answers. I assure you this is normally the case.

As I'm looking through the roster, I notice that some of the initial individuals that came to our first briefings are no longer with us.

The good news is those of you who remain have probably come to understand something of importance, either to you, a loved one, or the fate of the universe. 

These are what we call your motivators and perhaps will be part of the Limited Humana Singularity’s basic needs.

Some of today's Limited Humana Singularity literature proposes the preposterous idea that there are only a handful of motivators, disguised as needs, in order for you to maintain your stability as a “happy” individual. However, this is most likely created so that you have an easy way to keep count of the marketing ideas. 

Of course, they have not let you, skeptics that you are, be without the option of using three more of your fingers in order to perceive the illusion of a rebellious choice.  Meaning the use of three more fingers so you may count to ten. Forgive my humor. But all jokes come with an explanation - you shall see.

Or - I could be completely wrong as to why you have returned. You might be coming back for the delightful food offered on this vessel. I, myself, am quite partial to the blue dishes at the back of the room.

Let's start answering some of your questions. So what have we learned so far? Does anyone care to mention an item or two?

You there! Yes, of course, there are other universes. And you, young madam? Yes indeed, there is a thing called the Darkness Consciousness. No, it is not a joke. Or perhaps allow me to answer the question as such. We are currently speaking through a language orientation device allowing you to communicate in a universal formulaic language, while you hear it in your native language. Those are the devices that currently are in your ears. 

As the sound of your voice vibrates it feeds your vibratory diction into a system and then it is translated with the utmost perfection.

In other words, while you are in this vessel the meaning of your words produced by your vocal transmissions are in sync with your thoughts and the interpretation of all parties listening is within the tolerance of accuracy. 

In short, you are being understood.

You are now, for the first time, able to communicate effectively. Notice that your biases and perceptions are working in harmony producing a system of acceptance rather than feeling rejected.

So your thoughts and communications are without biases of self-doubt, self-pity, low self-esteem, etc. It is like taking “el Picante” from your food or temperament. Did I make another reference to food? Sorry then. 

I would like you to take a moment and feel what it is like to be completely understood. You see it has been our finding that when you are in sync and in harmony with the Consciousness of Self and the Collective Consciousness, you are able to reduce the amount of stress and discomfort in your body. Although you are not fearless, you have no reason to fear.


Daniel Godding New recruits 001

Illustration - New Recruits Enlistment assembling for training onboarding of the USO [re-enactment]


Briefing of the Unraveling and Consciousness


Judging by the relaxed faces, it would appear that you feel you are all in good standing.

Brilliant then.

Allow me to venture forth with a question. 

How many of you are afraid of the Darkness Virus or the Darkness Consciousness? I mean really afraid. Let us see a show of hands. 

Thank you.

Thank you.


So let us take a moment to digest what we've already learned, and let us introduce a little bit more substance to your meal.

Let me pose a question. Have you noticed that no one here has asked you to commit towards any type of action or to adopt any type of momentary opinion? Right then.

If you are holding that question, the simple answer is that's probably because you are all affected in the same way. The Darkness Consciousness has existed for quite a while in our vicinity and we're just coming to understand that it is existing within our everyday lives.

It is in the thoughts you think, the decisions you make, and even in your dreams. The Darkness Consciousness provides you with the technique we like to discuss as a "sleight-of-hand".

This means that the answers and the questions are very similar to one another, making the Virus seemingly undetectable.

I assure you, however, that its only purpose is to perform something we call the Unravelling.

In short, unravelling is the ability to destroy gross mass and refined structures.

Although you may be unaware, we have discovered that each sentient being, in this case, each Limited Humana Singularity, has a sliver of Consciousness. 

Consciousness, as most of you have been taught, is not whether you can perceive being awake with your eyes open or closed. It is also not just the idea of being conscientious. These are all sleight of hands. 

Consciousness is a sliver of a life force that animates you into knowing that you exist. Therefore all living things have a sliver of animation. 

When we speak of a sliver, we must also keep in mind that each sliver provides a purpose and creates limitations in order for that living being to provide a function or some sort within a larger construct in order for the experience to be able to exist. 

The sliver in you - 

Yes? You have a query?

That is a good question. Ah, so you have been listening. The sliver of consciousness is not, I repeat strictly for emphasis, it is not your purpose. It is, however, enabling of a purpose.


 Briefing of Consciousness and the DKV

Allow me to explain. Consciousness is an animating force. It is part of a SOURCE, as we call it. This SOURCE creates smaller components of itself in order to allow for creation to occur and be experienced. How is it performing these actions? I can only say that these are secrets yet to be discovered. But there is some evidence of it. It is like knowing that the world you live in provides you with a variety of flowers and trees which serve as functions. You could say then that the Source (notice not all in uppercase) is the planet in which you live. You can enjoy the flowers or find purpose for the trees, such as building your houses and allowing them to provide a function for cleaning your air. However, we do not know the root cause of the planet's creation. So although the SOURCE is not known, we can benefit and live by the treats it provides.

However, there is even something somewhat of a deeper mystery. All of what you have learned to call nature has a function and a form of communication. You might like to read these findings in the 100th Monkey Experiment produced by the sciences of  Terra Terra. It can explain the theory of Consciousness communication as a collective.

I am sure you have experienced these things yourselves, where perhaps you phoned someone close to you and then picked up the transmission just to say - I was just thinking about you. That is a form of Consciousness-to-Consciousness communication. And mind you it was performed without a single word being spoken.


 LHL Matix Sumulation

Illustration - Limited Humana Consciousness Matix [on-file]


This sliver of Consciousness is what OFF-World terms as Limited Humana Consciousness

So far you have learned that there are a few forms of communication. 

There is the communication to your DNA, cells, mental thought, and body functions which are all part of what OFF-World calls your EGO. The second form of communication is that sliver of Consciousness that allows your body to have that animation and another form of communication and bonding. That is not an all-encompassing spectrum of the communication, but we shall learn more about the different forms of communication later.

Brilliant questions and a wonderful segway to next-level intelligence.

Hence I may conclude today's discussion on internal communication with one more item.

Yes? Another question? I believe you are asking if you can 'get rid’ of your ego, yes? Do you mean get rid of your ego and still remain alive?

I would think not. I believe your natural functions would cease to function without communications. That heart for example would not know how to accelerate and decelerate, and we all do need a ticker.

I believe I may be of some assistance by deviating the question a bit. Think of yourself as a voyeur. You are the listener of your body’s reactions. You are allowed to listen in on the conversations that are established in your mind-body connection. The only issue is you are unaware of how to listen in on the conversations coming from your connection of spirit, Consciousness, and other slivers that make who you are in the present.

These layers are called Veils. Veils are small or invisible membranes that assist in keeping order so we may be able to maintain our existence and our Construct together, so that in turn we may be able to experience what is presented before us.

Hence once Veils are broken, the larger mass or Construct in which you live seeks to maintain order. A better and more precise manner of thinking would be the use of the term balance and harmony. We use the word order when the Construct is attempting to keep itself intact.

When your body has a slight illness, it recognizes the order of things as they were created, and attempts to adjust itself back to its original state. 

There is a simpler formulaic term OFF-World uses to simplify this theory, where it has been said “the equation always equals Zero”. Simply meaning that harmony and balance should be restored.


 THE DKC uses a sleight of hand to create distortions in that order so it creates the opportunity to infiltrate and break down the Harmony, then creates distortion in the balance in order to Unravel.

Was I able to answer your question? Ah yes - of course, you can write a book on it.



DG mecha organic infused with consciousness

Illustration - Mecha-Organic DNA infused with Consciousness [on-file]



If you are equipped with a sliver of Consciousness, however, you're also equipped with your own matter of thinking based on DNA, and calculations observed by the Egoic System.

As it appears, the Limited Humana Singularity is hugely affected by the experiences and encounters. In short, Limited Humana Singularities learn from being affected by what they're doing and not actually by what they're doing.


 The Egoic System uses a method of evaluation in order to understand whether an action it performs will yield a result of benefit. It then outweighs the benefits and something called a value system which is evaluated and how it perpetuates its own existence.

The DKC is quite clever in understanding these evaluations and uses its abilities to inflict confusion and disharmony, in order to make the Limited Humana Singularity vulnerable.

What the DKV is actually doing is starting the process of unraveling. It creates algorithms in order to understand why thoughts are as they are by breaking them down into nothing. 

Another delightful question! Yes, miss? You are asking - How do you know if you are infected? 

Oh my! That is a question of higher learning. 

I believe the word in Terra Terra would be the word - “Discernment”. One must first create the awareness of self as the voyeur or “The Big Eye” as it was commonly spoken in Old France for you history buffs. From there one could then have a better idea as to whether you were experiencing these distortions from the reference of Consciousness, DNA, or an altering of thought by the inception of the DKC. 

With that known, you may then find the subtle symptoms.

The first symptom that the Limited Humana Singularities begin to submit to is a feeling of frustration, lack of motivation, sadness, and lack of meaning. 

However, in order to create these types of frustrations and lack of meaning, it first must submit to the Egoic System a value system that is encoded within the DKC.

Hence why we call it a virus. It enters your thoughts and pretends to be just like your thoughts, creating deviation in your way of thinking.

Hence we use the term "sleight-of-hand". This is not to say the frustration, sadness, even lack of motivation and lack of meaning are "bad". Quite the contrary, they are quite useful when applied towards what OFF-World Contacts call either a continuation of the Path or a redirection back unto the Path. Again, all sleight of hand here.

Very good then. That shall be all for today.

Tomorrow we shall discuss resonance and space-time.

Be sure to take your belongings and feel free to mingle amongst each other.

Until the next meeting then.


Remember you are Humanity's Last Hope.


