EQ - Horoscopes - Monthly

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

EQ Horoscope 001Here are the horror scopes for October 2023:










This month, Aries will be drawn to the dark side. Be careful not to let your curiosity get the better of you, as you may find yourself in a dangerous situation. If you must venture into the unknown, do so with caution.


Taurus will be haunted by their past this month. Old mistakes will come back to haunt them, and they will have to face the consequences of their actions. There is no running away from the past, Taurus. It is time to confront your demons and make things right.


Gemini will be trapped in a nightmare this month. They will be unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, and they will start to lose their grip on sanity. If you are a Gemini, be sure to stay grounded and stay away from drugs and alcohol. This is not a time to experiment.


Cancer will be stalked by a malevolent presence this month. This presence will drain their energy and make them feel sick. If you are a Cancer, be careful of who you trust and where you go. There is something evil out there, and it is targeting you.


Leo will be cursed this month. Everything they touch will turn to ruin. They will bring misfortune to themselves and to those around them. If you are a Leo, be careful. You may want to lay low this month and avoid making any major decisions.


Virgo will be driven mad by their own thoughts this month. They will be unable to control their anxiety and paranoia. If you are a Virgo, seek help from a mental health professional. You do not have to go through this alone.


Libra will be betrayed by someone they loved this month. This betrayal will shatter their heart and leave them feeling lost and alone. If you are a Libra, be prepared for a difficult month. But know that you are strong and you will get through this.


Scorpio will be forced to confront their deepest fears this month. They will have to look into the abyss and stare their own mortality in the face. If you are a Scorpio, be brave. This is a time for personal growth and transformation.


Sagittarius will be lost in a maze this month. They will be unable to find their way out, and they will start to lose hope. If you are a Sagittarius, do not give up. Keep searching for the light, and eventually you will find your way out.


Capricorn will be trapped in a cycle of violence this month. They will be hurt by others, and they will feel the need to retaliate. But be careful, Capricorn. Violence is a never-ending cycle. If you want to break the cycle, you must choose forgiveness.


Aquarius will be haunted by their shadow self this month. This is the part of them that they have been trying to suppress, but it is now coming to the surface. Aquarius must face their shadow self and integrate it into their personality. This is the only way to achieve wholeness.


Pisces will be consumed by their own darkness this month. They will be drawn to the occult and to the forbidden. Pisces must be careful not to let their darkness consume them. They must find a balance between light and dark.

I hope you enjoyed these horror scopes! Happy October!