EQ - Front Page

Ellie Stark
Ellie Stark

 2023 Ellie Talks EQ

October edition 2023


Welcome to October: 

 fall bridgeEllie EQ - October Edition:

Well it's actually that time of the year again, we're old friends start coming from the woodworks, party and laughter begins to fill through the air along with an onset of different things that may occur. For some of us we will be breaking up from old relationships and we'll be looking for a reason to justify those breakups. For some of us we'll be looking for a new relationships a new beginnings.

And like usual, relatives and Old Friends will also be looking forward to unbearing those old hatchets and axes, in order to stress the point that holds no merit and the rest of the universe but for some reason it makes sense during these festivities.

If I were an alien, and I'm not, but I know some that are or at least they seem to be. I would think that the human race is extremely mentally and stable. At the very least a strong possibility of lacking emotional intelligence.