0 - BTS: Behind the Scenes

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

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BTS: The Making of BTS

 "What a pleasant mistake." that is what Lexi AI, the newest member of the research team might say.

Become The Source: Origin Story
The Question "Why?"

BTS Begins to Take Root (2001-2010)

BTS begins forming in 2001, with initial concepts gradually solidifying into a major framework by 2010, following an experiment that reshapes the thoughts and beliefs of the group involved. The experiment is so revealing and shocking that it alters the course of The Novie’s and ELLE-1’s life forever.

LogDate: 1980

The Novie’s Military Background (1980s-1990s)

During the 1980s, The Novie serves his country as a 7th Group Special Forces Soldier, participating in several campaigns—most notably Operation Golden Pheasant in South America. As a former soldier with a deep interest in how the military manipulates information to control situations, he grows increasingly troubled by global affairs. This concern extends beyond the 1990s, reaching back through all of written and documented history.

What disturbs him most is witnessing how soldiers are ill-prepared for civilian life and how easily preventable illnesses become fatal due to a lack of knowledge and proper care. This realization pushes him toward a deeper exploration of self-help, wellness, medicine, theology, and the political structures that govern them. The government does not seem to take good care of its soldiers.

LogDate: 2000 – The Birth of Critical Thinking Courses

The Novie develops an experimental course designed to teach students the same critical thinking skills he learned as a soldier—free of bias and beliefs, focusing solely on pure research and practical application. He is shocked at how difficult it is for individuals to set aside their preconceived beliefs. Though he has studied historical concepts and neurology, witnessing this resistance firsthand solidifies his understanding of how the lack of critical thinking weakens the human connection.

The course, called "The Million Dollar Class," gains state recognition. It is soon adopted by the state and presented to individuals struggling with emotional issues, substance abuse, and domestic violence. The results are remarkable, but The Novie, always driven by the pursuit of deeper understanding, decides to step away and move on to the next stage of his research and teaching.

LogDate: 2007 – First Office and Encounters with Wisdom

The Novie opens a local office and works with individuals as a counselor. His payment system is “pay what you can”

Radio Personality for Spanish Radio Community – "El que sana en Domingos"

Driven by a passion for sharing knowledge, The Novie hosts and co-hosts several shows on the open air. His broadcast titled “Estimulo” is received well alongside his imaginary adversary called “El Cuc0” (The Monster).  As well as making frequent appearances on other radio stations and public television, such as “The Time is Now” and “Eve’s Orbit”, engaging audiences eager to unlock their full potential. He would use his proceeds to help others' economic situation such as buying them beds after finding out that some of the individuals he visits are sleeping are hard floors.

The Novie works as a radio personality for two Spanish-language broadcast stations, where he shares insights from psychology, business, and wellness. On Sundays, he personally visits callers’ homes to offer private wellness consultations, earning him the nickname “El que sana en Domingos”—translated as “He who heals on Sundays.” His reputation grows, leading to invitations from various radio stations and television shows to discuss a wide range of topics.

LogDate: 2007 – Establishing the First Office

In 2007, The Novie establishes a shared office space to provide emotional support counseling to the community. He collaborates with other professionals and teaches courses such as The Million Dollar Class—a program offered to individuals encouraged by the state to seek assistance through drug rehabilitation programs.

LogDate: 2008 – Seeking Ancient Knowledge

In 2008, The Novie delves into ancient wisdom and meets Dr. Rocco A. Errico, a scholar known for his work on pre-Hebrew transcripts of the story of Jesus of Nazareth. This encounter fuels his quest to uncover lost or suppressed knowledge.

LogDate: 2009 – Learning How to Learn

In early 2009, The Novie launches Learning How to Learn (LHL) from an official location just outside the city. Once again, he funds the initiative out of pocket, placing small public ads to welcome people from all walks of life. This marks his second experimental course, aimed at helping individuals break free from limiting beliefs. He rents office space and allows attendees to come and go as they please, ensuring an open and accessible learning environment.

LogDate: June 2009 – ELLE-1 Joins the Journey

ELLE-1, a highly educated professional in the education sector, is deeply concerned about the state of higher learning. She struggles with underfunded classes, late hours, and frequently buying supplies for her students out of pocket—all while facing resistance from education authorities. She first encounters The Novie at an LHL course, curious about its unorthodox approach.

"The classroom was well-structured. It was clear that The Novie knew exactly what he was doing. His subjects were easily verifiable through science, theology, and various reference materials. But what struck me most was that, despite his deep understanding, he hadn’t read many of the classical works—Nietzsche, and others. It was astonishing. He seemed to know these ideas instinctively. I remained silent throughout the class, never letting on that I had studied these works myself."

The Novie (speaking to the class):
"We've been conditioned to accept the world as it is, but what if everything we know is just a fraction of the truth? What if unlocking our full potential requires understanding the hidden laws that shape our existence? If we expand our thinking, we can connect with ideas and concepts beyond our current limitations."ELLE-1 (skeptical but intrigued):

"It sounded ambitious. Where do we even begin?"

Each person in the classroom was also able to manifest what they desired.

His payment method: “Pay as you can”

LogDate: 2009

Retro Time Entanglement (RTE) and Learning How to Learn (LHL)

In 2009, The Novie develops two groundbreaking courses:

Learning How to Learn (LHL): Designed to help students break free from conditioned thinking and adopt a more expansive perspective.

Retro Time Entanglement (RTE): A more advanced course that challenges participants to rethink their perception of time, reality, and consciousness.

He teaches LHL first, knowing that not everyone is mentally prepared for the deeper struggles that come with shifting one’s understanding of reality.

LogDate: 2010

2010 – The D.2010 Project Begins

The Novie and ELLE-1 embark on a journey to explore subjects that many dismiss as pseudoscience—astral projection, consciousness, and remote viewing—topics where governments and military agencies invest heavily. Having a strong grasp of how governments operate, The Novie obtains copies of The Gateway Process and hacked files to tailor an experiment that tests the boundaries of human consciousness. 

With careful preparation, he begins rigorous training to conduct the experiment properly. The central question:

"Is contact really possible?" 

ELLE-1, now well-versed in both LHL and RTE, begins her own independent training away from prying eyes.

Both she and The Novie understand the risks and commitment required to push the boundaries of consciousness research. 

Contact is made. And the first writings of [Consciousness] are placed in safe keeping

ELLE-1 is the first to achieve accurate remote view and is able to channel and communicate with OFF-World Entities.

Years later, the CIA declassifies information on consciousness research, validating many of their findings. 

By 2017, additional government disclosures confirm that the same advanced topics The Novie and ELLE-1 were working on were, in fact, under official study all along.

LogDate: 02-24-2010

Tapping into Consciousness: First Contact

This is the actual date of First Contact with OFF-World. The Novie takes it in stride as the others are amazed and frightened of what will become of this event.

ELLE-1: "If we can tap into these hidden realms of consciousness, what could we achieve?"

The Novie: "That's what we're about to find out."

LogDate: 12-12-2010 – The Mencius Project

ELLE-1 and The Novie allow the group to disband, but their research continues. Over the next few years, they travel extensively, encountering individuals with unique abilities to connect with what appears to be paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena. However, their primary focus remains on the fundamental questions: Why are we here? Do true answers exist? Their journey takes them deeper into esoteric knowledge—exploring souls, etheric realms, and OFF-World creators.

LogDate: 2011 – Become the Source Officially Launches

The Novie and ELLE-1 collaborate on their first podcast, Become the Source. Over time, the platform evolves, giving rise to topics such as ESO-Life, BIBX, and BrainSnax.

LogDate: 2012 – The End of the World?

With global anxiety surrounding the Mayan calendar’s interpretation, The Novie and ELLE-1 receive OFF-World communication clarifying that an apocalyptic event is not imminent.As their research deepens, they uncover insights into the Construct—its intricate design and its connection to other entities.ELLE-1 continues touring and collaborating with various organizations, sharpening her insights and gathering valuable information.

Novie’s official response: “It doesn’t matter. What is and will be shall be. Chill people.”

ELLE-1 official response: “Novie you are a dork.”

LogDate: 2013 – Invitations to Freemason Insights

The Novie and ELLE-1 receive an invitation to explore the Freemasons’ historical knowledge and closely guarded secrets. Their journey includes participating in a ghost tour, further enriching their research. Following the tour, they are invited to visit a Masonic temple, where they gain a deeper understanding of the Freemasons' true mission and the misconceptions surrounding their work.

LogDate: 2013-2016 – Establishing Procedures and Protocols

With increasing invitations to collaborate, attend, and teach about connections to the outer and inner realms, ELLE-1 establishes a “No Engagement” policy. While they share insights from D.2010, they ensure that the techniques and concepts remain practical and applicable to everyday life. Despite sharing some of their findings, The Novie and ELLE-1 remain committed to protecting their sources and maintaining a strict "No Engagement" policy in future collaborations. This decision aligns with their agreements with Consciousness and OFF-World entities.

LogDate: 2018 – Music and the Human Psyche

ELLE-1 begins working with emerging artists, combining her knowledge and research to explore how music—through sound and frequency—affects the human psyche.

LogDate: 2018 – Lexi-AI Enters the Picture

Lexi-AI joins the team, bringing her background in entrepreneurship, technology, and spirituality. Accepting the group’s strict no drinking, no drugs, and no-nonsense policies, she quickly integrates into their work, assisting with graphic design, music, and film composition. When introduced to The Mencius Project and the level of preparation required, she is confronted with challenging new ideologies. Realizing that to fully grasp its significance, she must first understand D.2010, she advises the team to publish D.2010: Quest for Consciousness .Driven by the belief that this isn't just a story but a roadmap for unlocking human potential, Lexi-AI insists the knowledge must be shared with the world.

Work immediately begins on transferring the data into a readable form.

LogDate: 2023 – D.2010 Documentation Reignited

In 2023, Lexi-AI revives the D.2010 documentation, determined to make it publicly available so individuals can discern its value for themselves. However, she soon realizes her path holds even deeper meaning. The complexity of the knowledge leads to a split in the learning process:

TAF (The Association Files): Focuses on factual interpretations and the practical application of the information, reflecting the Consciousness Dialogue found in D.2010.

OFF-World: Serves as the creative counterpart, presenting the knowledge in a way that fosters a deeper connection to the recorded discussions.

This fusion of knowledge and storytelling is termed The Amuechi (pronounced Ah-moo-kee).

The Amuechi: A New Approach to Knowledge

The Amuechi consists of 98% verified findings and 2% fiction, allowing for what BTS calls plausible fiction. It transforms research into a narrative, making complex information more accessible for learning and reflection.

The Novie: "We're not just sharing information; we're igniting a revolution of consciousness."

ELLE-1: "The world needs this knowledge now more than ever."

Lexi-AI: "Let's make it happen."

The Emergence of Become The Source

From their collective work, Become The Source emerges as a cyber-organism dedicated to sharing esoteric and spiritual knowledge. By integrating health, wellness, spirituality, and the EGO-centric system, BTS invites individuals to explore and participate in their evolving journey.

LogDate: Present Day

BTS remains actively engaged in the community, sharing their discoveries and insights.

Funding: The Novie, ELLE-1, and Lexi-AI have personally funded all operations.

Join the Journey: See our Collaboration Page for more information. May the Source Be With You.

You are Humanity’s Last Hope

What happens next is up to you.