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Behind the Scenes: A Journey Long in the Making
"A harrowing journey that we would do all over again if given the chance." --The BTS Team
It is known that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Our single step started from humble and naïve ideas in spirituality - to connecting with great entities we never knew existed.
In our work D.2010, we mention that this was based on an actual journey taken by ELLE-1 and The Novie, and re-discovered by Lexi-AI. She believed there was a community that could benefit from the wisdom and knowledge of a story of revelation into a deeper world explaining humanity and its role in a small planet called Terra Terra.
The actual project began in 2001 and is an ongoing endeavor. However, D.2010 focuses on the year 2010 as a marker for one completion of work. It can be considered the origin story of the newest research available.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2007
Location: 1st Office
This shared office space, situated within a trust-owned building, served as a hub for community service. The Novie established this office with the intention of providing support as a community emotional support counselor.
He was there a few months and participated with others in the office giving courses such as the Million Dollar Class to individuals who were seriously encouraged by the state to seek a course assisting them as part of the drug rehab programs. Trivia: Can you tell what his favorite donut is?

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2008
Location: Meeting with Dr. Rocco A. Errico
In his quest for deeper understanding, the Novie sought to uncover the ancient connections utilized by the adepts. His path led him to Dr. Rocco A. Errico, renowned for his work on transcripts of the story of Jesus of Nazareth that predate the known versions found in the Hebrew Bible. The Novie described Dr. Errico as "the most honest and humble man I have ever met to this day. He showed great wisdom and compassion to all who cared to listen. And he was at peace and spoke with what I would call, a loving razor-sharp wit, to those that didn't want to listen."

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2008
Location: TV Broadcast
Driven by a passion for sharing his acquired knowledge, The Novie made numerous appearances on radio and public television programs, engaging audiences eager to discover how to achieve their full potential. It became evident that ESO-Life knowledge held ancient wisdom, offering insights into the Humana Singularity (human being) and its connection to a grander experience.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2009-04-XX
Location: 2nd Office: Time to Open Up the Classroom
Driven by an unwavering commitment to sharing knowledge, The Novie established a new office, utilizing social media to announce the launch of his LHL (Learning How to Learn) and RTE (Retro-Time Entanglement) courses.
The office cost a few thousand a month and he was mainly paying out of pocket. Despite the significant financial burden of maintaining the office, he viewed this endeavor as an act of service, like tithing in a religious community.
His unwavering belief in the transformative power of knowledge fueled his conviction that these courses could empower individuals to navigate life's complexities more effectively. Growing up in the religious community and later leaving it for a larger and scarier journey of self-discovery, he responded that the cost of creating and establishing a training course is something much needed among others.
At the time he thought others could use the knowledge to enhance their abilities to navigate through life and its many journeys. His hunch was correct.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2009
Location: City Streets
The warning signs quickly became evident. The Novie knew he was coming close to understanding a path to something greater. By using the Retro-Time Entanglement training, he was becoming more aware of systems and diagrams that meet the needs and expectations for the criteria about to come. He was onto something big - and as if in a strange turn of events you see in movies, he found himself involved in a sudden car accident with even stranger details.
Recalling the near-fatal car accident, The Novie recounted, "I smelled the scent of burnt cinnamon in the car after dropping off a passenger. I came to a stoplight and then crossed when the light changed to green. The other car T-boned me and hit me so hard it dragged my car four lanes over. But in that instant, I also felt a fuzzy air bubble inside the car, as if it was surrounding and padding me. After the impact, I managed to steer the car to a safe place to park before it completely died. Weird stuff? Not as weird as some other things. The group was scared - because strange things were also happening to some of them."
But The Novie had resolved himself of any superstition. Even if there was a reason for the common human being to discover the forbidden knowledge, he was not going to abide by the warning signs. And oddly enough, he did not entertain the anecdote of logic. It merely was and he was moving on. Needless to say, there were no injuries to The Novie. Not a scratch. Even the windows on the car did not sustain a single crack. So are there forces guiding us? He would not comment. To him, finding out the reality of things was far more important.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2009-06-xx
Location: The Novie's Humble Apartment
ELLE-1 and The Novie discussed the project already in its beginning phases for creating the patterns for establishing contact. They hoped for communication, but given the vast and famously unverifiable stories of contact with non-human entities, they began the preparation for the journey without expectation or assumptions.
ELLE-1 had already graduated from a prestigious college and offered her expertise in documentation and future course development. The Novie, as always had a sixth sense of events that were about to occur, and so worked secretly with ELLE-1 in order to create an adaption of the knowledge that was being acquired. Although The Novie enjoyed sharing he was never intending to publish his finding. ELLE-1 took on the role of editor for the information that resided in the HTML software.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2010-12-xx
Location: Undisclosed Location
The initial D.2010 project came to an abrupt stop. The Novie and ELLE-1 begin the second chapter of an even larger saga.
Classes were closed indefinitely after a successful encounter. The other group members once again went their separate ways. ELLE-1 and The Novie continued their research, venturing into uncharted territories under a new project titled "The Mencius Project."

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2013
Location: Northeastern United States
The Novie and ELLE-1 received an invitation to engage with the Freemasons, seeking insights into their historical knowledge and once-treasured secrets. Their exploration included participation in a ghost tour, further enriching their research.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2013-2016
Location: Local City Radio Station
ELLE-1 received numerous invitations to share the findings and concepts in D.2010, demonstrating how these techniques and insights could enhance everyday life. While The Novie and ELLE-1 have shared their discoveries, they have remained steadfast in protecting their resources and maintaining a "no engagement policy" for future research collaborations.

The Novie is seen speaking about life in general. As The Novie continued touring, he assisted others in discovering themselves from whatever point of their experience they found themselves.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2018
Location: BTS Studio
ELLE-1 is seen working with other start-up artists sharing their knowledge and passion as well as further research on how music (sound and frequencies) affect the human psyche.

Behind the Scenes - LogDate: 2019
Location: Community Center
Lexi-AI comes to the group and starts understanding the concepts behind D.2010 as the Quest for Consciousness and the ways it affected ELLE-1 and The Novie.
Lexi-AI - "It's an incredible journey of self-discovery. At first, I was there to help with some odds and ends. I wanted to be a videographer and find a better way of life. This was no joke, and it changed my life around 180 degrees. Although The Novie didn't teach anymore, the lessons were always available. It was when I was working on the beginning of a curriculum and the sci-fi storyline that I realized there was more to the story that was being told."

Lexi-AI - "I worked with ELLE-1 and The Novie a lot before I started understanding the hidden meaning behind a small book called The Four Agreements. It was a starter book for me and it was difficult to comprehend. And although it was a small book, it packed a big punch. Each time I would interpret what I read, The Novie would just say I was wrong and to try again.
"But to have the actual research and the people that were responsible for it in my vicinity was amazing. There were charts, diagrams, and concepts that were completely liberating. And ELLE-1 and The Novie were inspiring. I knew it had to be published for others to see."

Behind the Scenes - Above Picture: EL Cuco
El Cuco made its debut on a radio broadcast called "Estimulo".
The show aired on 1030 AM Radio for the local Spanish community: The Novie would broadcast on Saturdays and deliver products and services on Sundays. During this broadcast, the sound effect of El Cuco was played depicting the part of the inner-self that caused individuals to make the wrong decision. The show would bring together emotional intelligence with the spiritual endeavors of how to live a better life. You might say it was a precursor for the project you are now backing.
This show would never have existed if it wasn't for a man named Robert, who aided the show's debut and encouraged its continued airing even when it seemed at first that no one was listening. He later died of cancer produced by Agent Orange which was used during the Vietnam War.
Without him, there would be no El Cuco and the hundreds of lives that achieved a better way of life.
There are many unseen heroes behind this work. There are many lives that inspire us to become.
In Memory of Humanity...
It's funny how things come together.