OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

Why Our Podcast is Unique.

With Become the Source, we will change the game. We dissected the word and the meaning of self-help books. We dissected the way the economy affects the person. We dissected how the economy affects the job. We dissected how the job affects the economy. We dissected how a job affects a person. We dissected the way a person affects a person. We dissected the way humanity functions as a whole. But at the end of the story, we came across an interesting understanding. Things are disjointed. 



Why Not Self-Help?

Self-help, a very popular category of book/podcast/audiobook that is described as "the use of one's own efforts and resources to achieve things without relying on others", has been around for a while. And despite that, you won't be able to find the answer in a self-help book when you have a question. The problem may not be that the words are not directed towards you and written in a great observation. The problem may be because it is so direct, you - the willing listener/reader, might not get the full picture due to your ego defending your psyche. Because the ego does not like to be wronged. For example, what if a psycho killer reads or listens to a self-help topic? Is that psycho killer really going to learn that what they are doing is wrong? Or is the ego going to deflect the whole point of the message? So, right there is the problem. 


So you may not be a psycho killer, but most likely you’re not the most professional human either. If you want to know the truth, your attitude lacks, and you do not know how to get along with people. You are entitled. You live in fear. You live in doubt.  You don't understand your purpose. And you don’t understand your purpose because you associate your purpose with what you like to do, or your career path. So who are you? How do you act? How do you react? How do you think? How do you evaluate? Are you more logical or more emotional? And how does that affect you?


So with that being said, is self-help the answer to your problem? Is self-help the solution to humankind? Is humankind smart enough to get themselves out of the rat race? Is humankind aware of the way they affect themselves and those around them? The answer is no. Like the domino effect, we the people set our own selves up to fail.



What we Discovered.

And with Become the source, we spent years and years dissecting as much as we could in all possible directions. And we re-engineered the idea of self-help. A reverse self-help. We call this the Advanced Missions, and this is sponsored by Become the Source. This facilitates a method to break down the psychology of the human brain and how it functions. How it is understood. How it identifies. How it can become the component of expansion. 


As everything grows and changes around us, humanity cycles through the same problems to the Infinitieth power. It has the idea that if we backtrack through our memories, thinking that the good old days have passed us and we need to go back, is the ultimate solution. Right there is the issue. Right there is destruction to humankind. The never-ending chaotic cycle of redundancy.


With Become the Source, our idea of our Advanced Missions is not to put the blame on the listener/reader; it is to point out that the wholeness of humanity is living, and has always been living in chaoticness. 


Backtracking to the formula of a self-help book, typically you would see something along the lines of "you are the root of your own evil". Become the Source has re-engineered the approach. Trying to come across the same point, we would say more along the lines like "Humanity creates its own chaos". 


The reason why we switched the focal point is because we had discovered when you put the blame on the person individually, psychologically it affects them. The first layer that the message needs to go through is the ego. The problem is, the ego doesn't understand how to accept something of blame or say that it is wrong, as the ego likes to be right. The ego itself will either try to defend itself or it will completely deflect altogether. This is how the original message gets tainted.


When we came to this discovery, that's when we realized there needs to be a different method set in place so that the formula for the listener/reader will bypass the ego. This will allow the formula to be understood in its completest form. The big picture, instead of just a perspective. Where human biases cannot alter the true meaning behind the formula. 



The Formula.

So our method, in short, is about learning at the subconscious level. Within the subconscious level, over time getting hit in that direction with one formula over and over again will give you the ability to reimage your brain, like a computer, and will allow you to create the reality in which you experience bigger picture thinking. And for humans, these concepts will eventually become second nature. 


This is the biggest breakthrough. An efficient way to have your problems solved. Your questions are answered. Your life to transform into something new. Don’t forget, you said you wanted to be a better person. Well, the answer is you're no different than the rest of humanity. You're not that special. If it applies to humans, it applies to you. 


With our method of formulaics, if you use the phrase "humanity having entitlement issues", then the listener/reader may agree. Why you may ask? Not being directly blamed for the problem. Once it is presented in a non-threatening egoic format, it bypasses the ego altogether and then hits the subconscious brain. Now we're getting somewhere. 


This method is what we use for both of our podcasts. BIBX and ESO-Life, both having two different focal points, one being a success in business-driven, the other being esoteric and spirituality-focused, are technically tied into each other as one unit. Two aspects of the bigger picture. 



 In Conclusion.

You may gravitate towards BIBX or you may gravitate towards ESO-Life. Or you may gravitate towards both. Either way, our program is in place so that the people themselves, humanity as a whole can see the very game that is being played around us. The plague that's been with us since the beginning of time. The never-ending cycle - always sliding by. Swiftly moving past us without a blink of an eye from humanity. Our goal is to make this facade known. The unknown, known. 


The entrapment itself will finally be seen eye to eye, after an eternity of human chaos. 


The evolution of humanity will begin a different path. Or maybe begin the path that was once forgotten?