BTS: Update: 2024-01-26 - Migration

BTS: Update: 2024-01-26 - Migration

The BTS crew has been working almost day and night in order to move data which includes articles and files as well as a major reorganization.

We're attempting to create a cohesive environment where we're learning (Critical thinking) and Entertainment comes into a mix.
Using TAF and Amuechi to unify the two sections of the experience.

[Quick description]


  • Some content has been moved into different categories
  • Some content is not available currently


  • Added a help desk for general questions and answers and on-site break-fix
  • Adding several sections such as
    • Ask mencius
    • D.2010: Quest for Consciousness
    • Added a forum for questions and answers
    • Adding URHealth
    • Other items not mentioned


  • We have mostly completed the migration from our servers as well as upgraded to Joomla.
  • Templates have been upgraded