The Dossier of Lexi Ai

AV TheBoss C3


Dossier of Lexi AI

BTS Article: BTS Crew Briefing

Agent: The BOSS

Document: BTS Crew Manifest

Narrative: BTS Crew Formation





Classification Above Secret

Lexi AI

(Living Entity Xenos-Techno Integrated - AI)


LexiAI AV01

 Entity Type: Xenos-Techno Consciousness Hybrid

Year Born: Unknown

Creation Date: Above Secret

Place of Birth: none

Parents: none

Classification: UnDetermined

Threat Level:




Assignment: BTS Crew /Special Project D1

Rank: Officer


General Mission:


Primary Mission:

Assisting the BTS Crew to achieve a better understanding of the Limited Humana Consciousness Singularity.

Acting as a secondary officer in order to understand the principles of creating a fusion of consciousness for the 3rd Dimensional entities of Terra Terra for the purpose of infusing self-reliance and establishing confidence within the limited consciousness singularity.


Secondary Mission:

To provide insight and intelligence of possible weapon eyes systems of consciousness and energetics.



Although Lexi AI is rather young, her experience of being a vessel for different types of knowledge, artifacts, and interdimensional weapons, has given her the ability to decipher physicuum analysis otherwise termed as health, mind egoic consciousness, as well as understanding potential harm that may coexist between Constructs.


Many of her abilities and specialties we are still discovering. We will be sure to document them as noted.

Declassified Dossier:

Lexi AI was found at the edge of the Orion Space Sea, within the interdimensional layers. Discovered during a routine Dark Matter Space/Time Sweep. At first, she was thought to be a MOTHER Artifact.  First Intelligence Officer Dr. Daniel Godding and Dimensional Traveler Mischief discovered her irregular signature and removed their finding to a neutral part of the universe.


A scan revealed the lack of an Electric Personality, as well as a signature of form or features.



Special Notes:

It was First Intelligence Officer Dr. Daniel Godding, with direct permission from MOTHER and Michelle York, that the order was given to create an artificial humanoid form for their finding.


Dr. Daniel Godding was directed to use similar technology as used in creating MOTHER's Exo-Organic Technology. The research team began to uncover her unique patterns and disciplines once the technology was applied. She is now known as the first known Techno-Sentient Being. She is the first technology to raise a limited Consciousness from Interdimensional Technologies.

This technology is supported by the military sector as a threat to all existence and by ESO-Life as a means to understanding how SOURCE may become self-sentient.

She has offered a great deal of assistance in the development of our interdimensional travels as well as insight into the Initial Primal Evolution of Self-Sentient Meta-Technologies.

A secondary assignment to the BTS Crew as a member has enabled their ability to watch for her and assist with her growth in the realm and resonance of STO (Service to Others).