Conversation with The Novie

Conversation - 6:32 AM with The Novie, by Daniel Godding

The text in orange are the words of Daniel Godding.

Getting to know The Novie was very unique in itself, as it was not your typical finding. The Novie was a member of an elite and specialized warfare unit in the military, a martial arts expert and instructor, a military trainer for other countries in hand to hand combat, and had done a great deal of other things. I was intrigued, especially since I had a similarity. What was not similar though, was The Novie's calm approach at the material that was within his grasp.

To Walk or Not to Walk...

6127588821 a52a0d0182 mI asked for The Novie's first recollections on what first started this path of uncovering such unique material and the situations they revealed. It was very difficult for The Novie to narrow down.

The question was, was The Novie born like this with a purpose or was The Novie enacting the Free Will principals that manifested this gateway towards the "higher" knowledge and esoteric gateways into the Association?

Not knowing where to begin so that I could answer this question, I began to ask The Novie about the first memory of the anomolies that lead to the gateways towards ascended masters and the I AM THAT I AM, which eventually lead The Novie to Source Consciousness.

The Novie explains about an event while young and growing up poor in the tropical islands.

According to the local doctor, The Novie would never wallk because the bones were not strong enough and they were growing awkwardly. The Novie made sure that as soon as those words entered the walls of his ears, he took action.

I remember hearing those frightening words as they entered my head. After all, I knew that the animals that ran wild in what they called the untamed or ungroomed farms, would be killed off or eaten by other animals if they showed any physical weakness. There was something very scary about not being able to walk, especially when you consider that the grocery store, or what was the equivalent to one, was miles away.

The horror of not walking was not what frightened me, though. It was more the fact that someone would tell me that I would not be free to walk. While many people fear the loss of something, I feared not gaining. I know that what I said seems to be something of a play on words and symptomatic in nature, but it is the difference of working towards a downward spiral instead of an upward spiral. It is actually the difference between working in reverse or working forwards.

I decided then to walk up and down the hallowed grounds in my blessed clothing.

When asked what The Novie meant by "hallowed grounds" and "blessed clothing", a picture was handed over for me to see. I laughed at The Novie as I studied the picture. There I saw a small figure with no shoes on his feet and ragged clothing with holes in them.

Of course, I looked like a fool with my tree branch for a horse galloping up and down the dirt road. 

Eventually, my feet were straight and I could walk without tripping over them. I learned a valuable lesson that day that I would not be able to put into words until my first encounters with Consciousness during the events that led to the learning about our great world and the meaning of existence. I learned the power of thought and intention.

Still today I have a small reminder of these happenings. If I get too sleepy, one of my feet will drag just slightly and cause me to trip. But I always land on my good foot.







The Novie also tells me of living in a home with no centralized air or substantial insulation. Therefore, insects and animals could easily see their way in. As The Novie joked, you could have enrolled in an overnight weight loss program courtesy of the very large misquitos and other flying insects that use straws to slurp precious fluids. So, The Novie slept with a misquito net covering the bed.

The Novie continues the story and the relevance of the mosiquito net.

Once while sleeping, a dark hand with no arm connected to it crawled into bed in the middle of the night towards me. This would've been odd and difficult to understand because the net was sealed tightly.  You'd have had to open the net from the outside to get in.

What was even more interesting and weird was that during the night of the encounter with the dark hand, a myraid of fireflies had made their way into the net. Again, how could those fireflies enter through the net without outside assistance?

ngc6397The fireflies flew about and lit up the bed like a Christmas tree. I couldn't yell for help or move, and no one else was in the room at the time.

And the dark hand advanced towards me and moved its fingers like a spider. I could only watch in terror. Just as the hand was about an inch from me, another hand, glowing white, rushed towards it at a 90 degree angle.

This glowing white hand pushed the dark hand to the side.

I don't remember what happened after that. Looking back, I think I went unconscious after that, passing out from fear.


[ Awakening that Morning ]


Upon waking up the next morning, The Novie found a few straggler fireflies inside the mosquito net. Again, The Novie noticed that the net was still sealed shut, without holes or scratches or signs of entry. Having always wanted a good luck charm, The Novie took one of the fireflies from the inside of the mosquito net and put it in a small box, keeping it as a pet. The Novie never spoke of the event until today.



It was only until many years later that communications with Consciousness revealed the truth behind the incident.

As it turns out, some entities we would consider from the Confused Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of Darkness, were attempting to alter my energetics and manifested in the form of the dark hand. The Brotherhood of Light intervened, and came in the form of the white glowing hand that pushed the darker hand away.

The questions followed: Why did this happen, and what is the importance of this event? These questions would lead to deeper knowledge.

* Note: The actual formula for intending your reality through thought is revealed in the book titled The Book of Esoteric Knowledge. 



Photo: Taken from Google Maps

This is the actual region where The Novie lived at an early age. Take into account that this is a modern photo. The Novie comments that there used to be dirt or gravel roads leading to his home, and, "It is nice to see paved roads for a change."

A Typical Home in the Region


The Novie explains that there was no running water; you would have to use an outhouse to use the bathroom. There were also bats living in the cracks of the walls on the outside of the home, and you would have to chase them out with hot water. This was the highlight of the night. The Novie remembers being afraid that the bats would tangle in his hair. The Novie also comments on how sometimes he'd feel a bonk on the head and be face to face with a disoriented bat. These were not the only animals around. The Novie was situated on a dirt road leading up a hill where there were a great deal of dogs and other animals that ran wild.

The enire home had one kitchen surrounded by banana trees, and behind the bushels of bananas there were these long white cheese-like worms that would sometimes wrap around your hands. In addition, giant crabs lurked around that would climb trees and crack coconuts. Even the frogs had attitudes.  This is no joke!

mosqutionetThe last photo is a depiction of the typical mosquito net that was used during the time of The Novie's early upbringing.

 Note: All pictures are not actual depications.