History of Formulaic


The Language of Formulaics

The linguistics of formulaics came about when the need came for a communication to be established between the Draco's and 1111's simple self.

However, before we begin this, it is important to understand that the beginnings of this project were intended as a research component and not to further the education of the purpose of any particular religious group, sect, popular opinion, political agenda, popularity contest, or otherwise. It was purely research.

In that regard, one begins to research as one best knows. In this case, the research dealt with each individual within (636, 1111, 777, 139), and ended up to be just 1111 and 777.

Earlier on while 777 and 1111 were part of the group, it was revealed that 1111 had been a strong component of the Draconian Empire.

It is important to also note at this moment that it stands to reason that many of us have left many different lives throughout the universe. As you are continuously reincarnating in other systems, you find that you take on particular traits and make certain pacts. This falls more under political philosophy than any other philosophy well worth the research.

According to Buddha, in simplistic format, you are to enjoy the present life the best you can. Then you must, or at least should, begin to imagine your next life. This imagination of the next life deals highly with creating your next world, rather than just falling into one or having to pick one, or having to create one at the last minute. In this manner, Buddhist philosophy should be taken seriously.

After 1111 decided to leave 636 and the rest of the group, for what 1111 considered turning their backs on humanity in the project, 1111 received notice via former group members of an incomplete transcript. This transcript was apparently sent by the Council, and they wanted 1111 to have it. As it seemed, 636 promoted fear and separation by stating that the person that started the group to begin with, meaning 1111, was infiltrated by the Draco.

1111 said thank you to the incomplete transcript that was received and began to commune with the Brotherhood of Light to get a better perspective on what was being said. 1111 knew that unless you asked the correct questions in the correct manner, it was very easy to misinterpret what was being said. Again the rule was ask and you will receive. Entities outside of our spectrum of existence try not to interfere with the way we interpret things or information. Therefore, it is important to look at things from a non-judgmental point of view so you can see the applications in the multi-unfold.