Excerpt 1


Excerpt 1

1111: Thank you very much my name is 1111 I am here with 777. We are going to have a negotiation with my dear buddies the Dracos. As it seems 90% of them have turned themselves over to the brotherhood of light. They’re a little bit rambunctious. They’re using me to learn, that’s interfering with Melchizedek at this time, so some of the attitude is that I need some space between the Confused Brothers what they call Dracos who have kindly and on their own way of volunteering accepted some information from me to them to help them understand what I’m doing. So they want to walk that path...

1111: And he is spelling out, Melchizedek. Are there any ascended masters here? Can one give me a name please?

Answer: “RA****”]

1111: Oh my gosh, we have Ra**** is available. SeaqMeat are you present?

Answer: “yes.”

1111: Good. Councils, who carefully watch me, are you present?      

Answer:  "no."

1111:  and they are not here? Okay! The answers is no on that. 24 elders you be present? May I request the 24 Elders that they be present.

Answer: "no."

1111: the answer is no then twice. Okay, I guess they're busy. They have no place here?

Answer: "no."

1111: they have a place here?


1111: okay. 24 elders, you have an open invitation to these communications here. If you choose to be here, I would be honored. If you choose not to be here, I'm not fine with it because I love you, but I understand and I accept and I allow. So be it....