Transmission: To the survivors of the Darkness Virus.
The question has been asked: What is a feeling?
Feelings, emotions, sensing...who cares? They're the same thing, right?
Not so fast. The differences between these concepts are unique, and not knowing the differences might be affecting you more than you think.
Has there always been a difference between emotions, feelings, and senses? Why hasn’t society taught you? Does it really affect your daily life that much anyway? Tune in to find out—the answers might shock and inspire you!
Based on the Amuechi: OFF-World.
May You Become The Source
Transmission: To the survivors of the Darkness Virus.
The question has been asked: Is your body your identity?
TAF begins to answer one of the complicated questions that cause physiological imprisonment.
The BTS Team begins to share their knowledge and observation on a very common human condition where most humans believe that they are their bodies.
The team discusses some of the metaphysical components of the oneness of all things and living within the singularity complex.
This first takes at understanding the social and physical complexities of the dangers of believing in both the separation of the body with oneself and the unification of the body being an intricate part of oneself.
Are we self-inflicting our own stagnation? What are some of the limitations of believing that you are your body? How do you know when you are consumed with the thought that you are only your body? Most importantly where are the dangers of believing that the physical matter is all there is? How does one begin to see beyond the limitations, so one can unlock the secret power in each one of us?
This BrainSnax covers the beginning of an intellectual MemJogger in Season of the Construct and is a very important starting point when considering how to unlock the inner power and the inner strength within you.
Based on the Amuechi: OFF-World.
May You Become The Source
Title: Mirrors:
Agent: Luna 9
MID: Description
Welcome to another exciting episode of The Association Files entitled Mirrors.
Commonly we know mirrors to be something where we can see a reflection. A place to comb your hair and get prepared for the day in the general public. Unlike back in the mirror where you contemplate yourself for public viewing, today we're discussing your internal contemplation.
According to some of the documentation we have researched such as in Heru, A Course in Miracles, and The Association Files, all things that we can see with their eyes are mirrors. The people that you see each day are part of you in one way or another. It's time we take a moment to reflect on that which we see or interact with, we tend to have a self-contemplation which subconsciously creates a change that may lead to new habits in our lives.
What we like about mirrors:
Although there's nothing wrong with that what are some of the downfalls?
For starters, there can be a pattern of self-consumption where you can only see ourselves with the people and the things surrounding us which may cause a great deal of stagnation in one's evolutionary mindset and spirituality.
So what can we really do? What can be some of the safe margins for someone that wishes to grow and continue to grow?
Based on the Amuechi: OFF-World.
May You Become The Source
Transmission: To the survivors of the Darkness Virus.
The question has been asked: Is your emotional makeup sabotaging you?
We blame others and outside circumstances when things go badly for us. We blame bad luck, society, and the state of affairs for our lot in life.
But what if the most damaging and sneaky state of affairs going on was what was taking place in our own minds? And no, we're not saying, "It's all in your head!"
But we are saying, mind your emotions! Do you know how to, so that you can make the most of life and live life on your terms? Tune in and find out!
Based on the Amuechi: OFF-World
May You Become The Source
Transmission: [S1E03]: TBSOL Are You Your Biases
ELLE-1 and The Novie are asked by M.O.T.H.E.R. to transmit and explore a BrainSnax transmission to the survivors of the Darkness Virus.
Are You Your Biases? We all know we have biases. But where do they come from? And most importantly are we destined to live within the limitations of our biases. The question has been asked: Are you living your biases?
M.O.T.H.E.R. explores the human condition and the aspect of the Humana Limited Singularity and how it performs a system of judgment using its own ability to create and establish biases. The BTS begins to break down the information that may lead to a release of guilt, judgment, and self-imposed restriction of happiness.
Based on the Amuechi: OFF-World
May You Become The Source