2023 Ellie Talks EQ

October edition 2023

EQ - Adaptation to your Surroundings


Adapting to your surroundings seems to be a very interesting situation.

In our studies, we understand that the human being doesn't really grow that much if that particular human being is clenching on to old habits and old patterns. And although you may think this is obvious, ask yourself a few questions. The human brain is designed to calculate information. However, it is also designed to store information. Unless you delete a set of neurons in your brain, the ability to recall that neurological pattern and reset chemistry to match that neurological pattern will always be present. You can say that if you look at the viewpoint of nature, every year is sort of does the same thing. However, it could be that nature does the same thing to maintain an ecosystem within its balance. Most human beings balance out their equations possibly daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. But did you also know we balance the equation every 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years?

You may want to consider these things like you would consider weather patterns. Weather patterns maintain an ecosystem and different parts of the world to balance out the equation of insect population, animal population, terrain and mineral deposits, and so forth.

I would like to think that possibly because we didn't know any better, we decided to move in tear up the land move the trees and disrupt the ecosystem in order for us to survive. Unless it's a bigger plan in mind that I don't know about. Just like a little bird sitting in a tree that can easily use for camouflage, there comes a season and parts of the world where are the camouflage will no longer be present. Little bird then has to adapt to how to hide in scavenge for food. After all they're no more insects on leaves that are invisible.

So what's a bird to eat?