BTS: The Mission

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

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The mission of Become the Source:

is to help expose some of the more non-traditional methods of understanding how we are all one and how we can get along. One of the very many misconceptions in the idea that "we are all one" is that we all share the same ideas and thoughts. Not so. The truth is, the concept of "we are all one" is a very complicated idea. In fact, it is nearly impossible to trace and analyze. But we can come close.

Scientifically human beings are 99.9% alike. This is a good thing. Imagine going to the doctor and he had to examine you, and everyone else for that matter, just to find out where the lungs or the heart may be. Think of how difficult that would be if you were involved in a car accident, and he had to try and figure out your body make-up in less than 30 minutes.

Luckily for us, we are really not as different as we perceive each other to be.

We all have a brain, which stores a lot of our information such as our personal experiences, temperaments, and so forth. Perhaps many of us have been comparing apples to oranges, so we end up calling it fruit. By this I mean yes, of course, we are all humans. However, why is it that we focus so much on that 0.1% of the difference between each other? For that matter, why is there so much war, chaos, divorces, anger, and likewise so many marriages, peace rallies, and harmony?


Well, The Novie, Elle-1, Lexi AI, and Luna 9 are prepared to find out and document it!