EQ - Mencius Speaks - Edition

OFF-World: Alliance Leader
You may call me Mother:

 2023 Ellie Talks EQ

October edition 2023

0. Covers ELLIE TALKS EQ Mencius SpeaksMencius Speaks
















AV Mencius port 002 183x407Life just is:

The criteria of being a humana singularity is quite unique and complex. I must presuppose that you are familiar with the verbiage and vernacular being used in order to comprehend that "Life just is".

If you have questions you may look at the iNet Community Forum in which you may be able to find further details as to how to comprehend any of what is mentioned within this LogEvent.

Life Just is.

When one considers that life just is, one may also consider that life is meaningless. Life is only meaningful when there are things by which you attach your psychological disposition towards. Life is Meaningful when you feel the appreciation of someone else bestowed upon you for the sense of which they might feel gratitude towards an event or condition in which you played a role. However in the esoteric world one merely just is. And that is without attachments. Because predominantly the limited humana singularity husband falsely fused with the ideology of singular function, then the egocentric system has adopted the belief, and not the reality, that the importance of an individual is primary and primal.

In fact, the truth of such matters would be esoterically in reverse.

When you consider the offset of emotional distribution and unbalance that you create and receive at the moment and expectation is not met, the body-mind complex suffers greatly within confusion. Esoterically, however, and without attachment, if applied that "Life just is"then the entity singularity may give freely without expectations or attachment to outcome. Hence the expectation whether met or not met has no implication on the egocentric system. Hence, the egocentric system is free to become healthy and unattached and unbound.

One may consider that perhaps the reason why the Egocentric system has been learned to have expectations and attachments to the outcome of functionality and the beingness of oneself so that technology and evolution could be achieved.

Hence if one chooses to live within attachments and expectations, using the fictional representation of beingness, then one must achieve mastery of balance within the limited construct in which one proposes to experience.

 2023 Ellie Talks EQ

October edition 2023

0. Covers ELLIE TALKS EQ Mencius SpeaksMencius Speaks
















AV Mencius port 002 183x407Life just is:

The criteria of being a humana singularity is quite unique and complex. I must presuppose that you are familiar with the verbiage and vernacular being used in order to comprehend that "Life just is".

If you have questions you may look at the iNet Community Forum in which you may be able to find further details as to how to comprehend any of what is mentioned within this LogEvent.

Life Just is.

When one considers that life just is, one may also consider that life is meaningless. Life is only meaningful when there are things by which you attach your psychological disposition towards. Life is Meaningful when you feel the appreciation of someone else bestowed upon you for the sense of which they might feel gratitude towards an event or condition in which you played a role. However in the esoteric world one merely just is. And that is without attachments. Because predominantly the limited humana singularity husband falsely fused with the ideology of singular function, then the egocentric system has adopted the belief, and not the reality, that the importance of an individual is primary and primal.

In fact, the truth of such matters would be esoterically in reverse.

When you consider the offset of emotional distribution and unbalance that you create and receive at the moment and expectation is not met, the body-mind complex suffers greatly within confusion. Esoterically, however, and without attachment, if applied that "Life just is"then the entity singularity may give freely without expectations or attachment to outcome. Hence the expectation whether met or not met has no implication on the egocentric system. Hence, the egocentric system is free to become healthy and unattached and unbound.

One may consider that perhaps the reason why the Egocentric system has been learned to have expectations and attachments to the outcome of functionality and the beingness of oneself so that technology and evolution could be achieved.

Hence if one chooses to live within attachments and expectations, using the fictional representation of beingness, then one must achieve mastery of balance within the limited construct in which one proposes to experience.