LogDate 2022.08.31
Agent Dr. Daniel Godding
Greetings and salutations everyone. I hope that you find yourselves in good stead.
Before coming to my own conclusions and analysis, and before I enter this good collection into the TAF and then off into the Vault, I would like to see what type of inspiration my colleagues and members of the SDK-V have.
A curious piece of knowledge has come my way. Currently, I do not possess the knowledge of knowing who the author may be.
However, in following proper protocol, I would like to place a small bit of a challenge to those who are part of the team, as well as survivors of the Darkness Virus, to see how many different ways we can come up with a cipher for this bit of writing.
It appears to be encryption relative to that of Chaos. However, the writers are unknown. I believe it is titled "Discypher".
And see the Chaos arise from the desperation of faulted notions and the desire rising from the darkest wanting of the will of ego to survive. But I myself have no need to watch such a theatre. Such fascinations are for those entertained easily by the means of their own lack to which to fulfill. So is the lavish perception of beings drunk with time. In which their desires are merely just beneath the simple planes of self-realization. That which fuels the being in the falsehood of relinquishing their natural flow to all things powerful.
- Discypher
And the Chaos then festered and boastfully fills the Steins of the empowered and endowed. To give fire to raise up and make a rule to an empire professed to consider the might and plight of all things natural the understanding of Chaos enriched with self-enlightenment filling each with whispers of releasing the torment of messages without pathways.
When the dawn arrises upon the cherry blossoms' fall, can we reflect for there is no more and there ever was the not.