LogDate: 2012-11-06
Title: The Reality of The OuiJa Board P1
Hosts: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE
Short Description:
ELLE-1 and The NOVIE talk about the reality of the OuiJa Board. The discussion is on what type of preparations you need if you so decide on speaking to other entities.
The NOVIE talks about some of the false expectationst people have when they first begin to communicate.
Can the OuiJa Board help you understand more of who you are?
Is it really dangerous? Read on to find out.
LogDate: TAF 2012-11-08 - Reality of OuiJa Board
First off, this is not an article about whether or not the phenomenon of the OuiJa Board is true or false, psychology or demonology, for God or against God, true or nonsense.
We are not here to debate whether or not using this instrument is good or evil, or just a trick of the mind. What we offer instead is some clarification on the many misconceptions that have arisen from the usage of the OuiJa Board, as well as the attachment to fear and separation that has resulted.
That being said, we will start by bringing up a viral Youtube video. In this video, a small group of teens are speaking to an entity called ZOZO through their OuiJa Board. The cinematics, if you want to call them that, are well played (if played here is the right word). After a few minutes of speaking with the entity (nothing big here, except the puck moving in a sideways 8 sign), one of the girls begins to giggle uncontrollably, then convulse. The clip ends with the camera taping at a skewed angle, a witness while the rest of the group tries to help and make sense of what is happening to the poor convulsing girl.
From the perspective of typical humans, this looks like trouble. After all, so many tales and movies and warnings from religious and government leaders have spoken about being "possessed" and "hell-bound" after using the OuiJa Board. Seeing a clip like this, whether it was acted out or real, triggers that subconscious fear that communicating with any entity through the OuiJa Board is dangerous. Furthermore, people should know better not to mess with anything like that...right?
Not quite accurate, is the answer we say here. While there are many different effects of communicating with entities through the OuiJa Board, there are also many misconceptions that have stopped people from properly using instruments such as the OuiJa Board, and stopped them from getting the most out of their communications with the paranormal, the supernatural, aliens, extra-dimensional entities, quantum states, angels, demons, and so on. For the sake of this article, we will call all these entities as OFFWorld entities.
We here at TAF stress the importance of living without fear, separation, and judgement. This involves clearing up the misconceptions about OFFWorld entities and creating opportunities for education in communing and learning from them, rather than creating hype and limitation.
With that said, we will go into a bit more detail on why people do not have effective communications, and what steps to take in order to begin effective communications with OFFWorld entities through the instrument of the OuiJa Board.
Why Humans Fail in Their Attempts to Make Communications Through the OuiJa Board
In the OFFWorld realm, the idea of judgment is seen as something "human." In other words, there are no evil entities, nor are there good entities. Instead, the way to approach entities from OFFWorld is to see them as equals, as brothers in learning and teaching.
The issue with judgment is that it further creates the possibilities of the event happening that is under judgment. For example, take the outcome of the session with the entity ZOZO in the youtube video. If the people using the board were indeed under the impression that using it was "evil", then the outcome that results happens accordingly to their perceived idea of "evil." Notice that we did not say that evil entities came through. Instead, the outcome that follows, the girl convulsing, leads to impressions of evil from the people using the board. When the mind is in judgment, possibilities outside the limited thought processes are closed off further, cutting off chances of expansion. In this case, it would seem very unlikely in the realm of probabilities that this group of young people will encounter an entity that will affect them in a way they find not so fearful and traumatic. Thus, they have further solidified their reality in which using the board is considered evil. The cycle goes on.
Emotional Response Conditioning
The issue with responding emotionally (whether laughing, screaming, tears, yelling, cursing, etc.), comes from the fact that emotions are a result of chemicals produced in the body and brain. Since most OFFWorld entities communicating through the OuiJa Board do not have human bodies (or at least, human bodies that they can remember), the emotions produced cause at most perplexion among them or at worse no affect at all.
In the case of perplexion, this often can lead to misunderstandings, such as the incident with the girl laughing and convulsing in the youtube video. Such responses like laughing from a human, may cause the entities to try to mimic that as a form of mutual communication. Since they do not have human bodies, one of two things may happen. The entity may try to mimic the laugh by using the chemicals in the human entities present to produce the same reaction (this is what some people have mistaken as possession), or the entity may respond with its own version of communication, such as dropping an object or producing its own sound, outcomes that tend to frighten people.
Most other times, there will not be a response at all (at least, a response that is discernible by human senses).
At TAF we do provide methods of properly projecting and communicating through means of sensing rather than feeling, but we will detail those methods in a later date.
Lack of Nutrients and Degradation of Optimal Health
When optimal health is not attained, due to lack of nutrients, water intake, food intake, rest, etc., the body is more weak and suseptible to reactions towards frequencies that can damage the body. This may explain the reaction of the girl in the youtube video.
Subconscious Programming
This means if there are fears and anxieties associated with contacting OFFWorld entities (as an influence from church, government, education, family, pop culture, etc.), these fears will project into the matrix reality as thoughts and therefore attract the situations and reality that will ultimately justify the existence of these fears, thus causing further situations to occur.
Steps to Create The Most Beneficial Communication Through the OuiJa
Eliminate Judgment.
Many of our OFFWOrld contacts have translated this as "Be at Peace." This means to drop all judgment and expectations of a good outcome or bad outcome when communicating with entities from OFFWorld.
At the same time, you are not worthy, unworthy, less than or more than the OFFWorld entities or the people that are with you during the OuiJa Board session. The Novie likes to say that these OFFWorld entities are merely his "brothers", and that is all.
In this case with the youtube video, if the entity just IS, and nothing more or less, this leaves the mind and brain open to more possibilities for learning and teaching. Hence, the outcome for a bigger array of probabilities opens up and allows the people using the OuiJa Board to experience outcomes of expansion and knowledge gained, while also sharing their own widsom and insight with the entity communicating through the board.
Seek First to Understand.
This goes along with the first step. When followed and comprehended properly, this will eliminate most issues having to do with fear, judgment, and separation. When exploring communications from OFFWorld entities, approaching it as an investigator helps create the status of equals in a phase of discovery and mutual learning and teaching. What comes out as grunts and growls, or objects falling off from shelves during a OuiJa session may in fact be an attempt to reciprocate or communicate outside the means of the board.
At the same time, this does not mean that we remain open to potential harm from an encounter with another entity.
Be at Optimal Health.
Replace Harmful Subconscious Programming with Programming and Messages that Enable You to Learn and Expand.
Feel free to contact us with any questions about these articles and the ideas discussed.