TBSOL - 5 Thoughts 2 Create a Positive Day || LifeCast2012-11-06

 DSC00650LifeCast: 2012-11-06

Title: 5 Thoughts 2 Create a Positive Day

Hosts: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE

Short Description:

ELLE-1 and The NOVIE talk about how you can create a positive day by creating the right thoughts.

Do thoughts create your day?

If you had five thoughts that could create your day, what would they be?











TBSOL 2012-11-06 - 5 Thoughts 2 Create a Positive Day


 Narrative: ELLE-1 and The NOVIE talk about five thoughts that can help you to create a positive day.

Combining the intelligence of OFFWorld as well as TAF and psychology, ELLE-1 and The NOVIE break down the elements that can help you achieve a more positive day and combine it into an easy-to-follow format.

In this webisode, The NOVIE is asked to discuss how thoughts are created and how can we use our thoughts as a catalyst in order to create a positive day.


[Off Camera]


Off camera The NOVIE talks about the formulaic of creating and manifesting a better world. He explains that the formulaic to master is very complicated to understand. However, it is not impossible. As he explains, the bigger problem is that we are not taught any of the techniques or the understanding of what it means to actually live in the "now". There's much confusion about how to manifest in a world that seemingly promotes constant negativity. He explains that in order to understand how the world continues to give out negativity, one must first learn some of the basics of judgment and assessment.

ELLE-1 on the other hand fully comprehending that The NOVIE is more concerned with the structure of things rather than the practical application, decided to create a basic fundamental point of view of the formulaics and the schematics and their use by posing a working schematic into five simple thoughts that anyone could practice. Her idea is to be able to practice these five thoughts as a technique until individuals comprehend the schematic formulaic of how these thoughts actually work. She concludes with the thought that if individuals could adhere to five thoughts, it would make it easier for them to work out formulaic and schematical representation.


 [The NOVIE]


I find it sometimes very difficult, at best, to attempt to show people techniques on how to cheat a system that was designed to give them everything that they ever wanted. One of the biggest problems I face when giving classes on manifestation, is a lack of understanding and comprehension that most individuals have when they come to the course with the class. As it seems, most individuals believe that they need to manifest something and they have to learn how to manifest. The truth of the matter is that almost everybody is able to manifest and create. The problem is the corruption within the thought process that is being used in order to manifest that which they believe they want.




One of the main problems I think that The Novie is trying to say, is that many individuals believe they cannot manifest what they want. However, they're actually manifesting everything that they want. That means that the troubles and difficulties that occur in their lives are an exact manifestation of what they want in their lives.

The real problem is a lack of understanding how to have a "pure" thought. A pure thought consists of a steady focus on the outcome of what it is that you would like to experience. Most individuals have a difficult time understanding that a ratio in creating a thought is needed. In other words, you may verbally be requesting a glass of pure drinking water. However, your subconscious mind is asking for a glass of pure drinking water that has a drop of poison in it.





Since the universe does not understand judgment, it actually will give you a glass of water with the drop of poison. It presupposes that you know exactly what you want.

One of the reasons why this is so difficult to understand is simply because, people believe that they are their bodies and that everything has to surround their bodies rather than understanding that their mind is connected to the universe and the mind is what creates. The brain does not create. The brain is meant for calculations only.

The other difficulty I find that most individuals have when trying to create a pure thought is that they themselves do not believe they deserve anything good in their lives, or at least, they believe they don't deserve anything good for a very long time in their lives. Hence, a ratio of this proportion will create a dualistic approach of achieving your goal and then losing it.




Five Thoughts to Create Your Day was created so that individuals could begin practicing how to create a better day for themselves without fully comprehending this schematical representation that the universe uses in order to adhere to the laws of reciprocation and the laws of attraction.