Interest Based Relationships



 LifeCast: 2012-11-07

Title: The Bright Side of Life

Hosts: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE

Short Description:

ELLE-1 and The NOVIE talk about interest based relationships and how they affect our daily lives.

Are interest based relationships really all that bad?

Are interest based relationship actually helpful?











 LifeCast: TBSOL 2012-11-07 - Interest Based Relationships



 LifeCast: 2012-11-07

Title: The Bright Side of Life

Hosts: ELLE -1 and The NOVIE


Do you know it you have an interest based relationship?

Do you know what an interest based relationship is?


First things first!

People generally live under the illusion that freedom is easy to obtain.

In order to attain freedom, it becomes really difficult to understand how to determine what freedom truly is.

If we observe nature, we will learn that one thing reciprocates onto another and so on until it becomes an eco-cycle.

In a dualistic world such as the one in Terra Terra, it becomes very difficult to understand where the limitations of one illusion begins and the other one ends. It is not as easy as understanding black and white

A psychologist recently interviewed, resigned her position after discovering that most individuals believe in a black and white scenario. She goes on to describing how in her profession she realized that most human beings have about the second grade level of complexity when it comes to their emotional status. So when we accuse each other of "acting childish" in a relationship, we're actually not that far from the truth.

As it appears, the more complex reasoning skills have very little to do with competition, negotiations, or many of the other things that we were led to believe us children.

In fact, she discovered that certain items which are considered taboo such as hugging your client and taken a very personal interest in their lives is more helpful than the approach that the cold psychiatrists are forced to do in their professions.

It becomes more difficult when dealing with a second grade education on the emotional cycle of a human being. That means that even though the psychiatrist may have the answer at hand, the client may not be able to comprehend it or accept it. This may end with the client screaming bloody murder and other obscenities because their belief system has been challenged and so as well their identity.

Realizing that you have an interest-based relationship is not the end of the world. In fact, it can be the beginning of a brand-new world.

The problem is that most individuals are too "gimme gimme gimme" rather than "let's explore together."


So what is an interest-based relationship and do you have one?

If you haven't read or seen the show on Learning How to Learn, the basics, it may be slightly challenging to follow this article.

However, we will explain it in simple terms, knowing that if you have any other questions you can e-mail us.


The first thing to remember is that words truly have no meaning other than the meaning we ourselves give them. So therefore, one must understand how the words are said from the person who is saying in order to comprehend the full definition of what is being communicated. The idea here is to communicate effectively and not lead ourselves into the world of assumptions.

An interest-based relationship is defined by BTS, as a relationship that is based more readily in a formulaic rather than spiritual law. The law of reciprocation is innate and cannot be changed in any human way possible. The law of reciprocation and interest based relationship may appear to be almost Siamese twins.

In both cases, you give and you receive.

However, in the law of reciprocation, one receives whatever one is given. There is no taking or manipulation for the receiving of more or receiving of what one truly wants. In the law of reciprocation, when one requests, one is also obliged to receive what one gets. In the matter of interest, one receives what one wants and if one does not get what one wants that there is repercussion.


For example, you may have often heard people justify their relationships with phrase such as:

"I like him/her because he/she completes me."

What this means is that if the one person did not complete the other, the relationship would be broken up.


The law of reciprocation, on the other hand, would say something more like this:

"I like him/her. It just so happens that he/she completes me."

If this is not under a fabrication of lies or misconduct, one could assume there that the person is liked no matter what happens, and as a result will find themselves reaping the benefits all that relationship has a reciprocation and not an interest.


Hard-Core Interest Relationships:

A hard-core interest relationship is one that is devised around monetary gains, emotional games, and other such forms of achieving synchronicity within the dualistic construct of Terra Terra.


Is my relationship working?

When you ask yourself whether or not your relationship is working in the dualistic construct of Terra Terra, it becomes hard work. For example, you'll have to have a bank account where you can make deposits of emotional affection, monetary gains, and ensure that these bank accounts are not depleted.

In other words ,these are the birthday cards, the little gifts, little things that you do on purpose in order to gain favor with the person.

Ask yourself:

"Am I the kind of person that gets angry when I give a Christmas card and don't receive one in return?"

"Am I the kind of person that insists on people being nice to me, regardless my attitude?"


When you live in a dualistic construct such as the one in Terra Terra, it is important to understand that each individual has their own life and interpretation of how life should be enacted. On top of this matter, we find ourselves living in a world that has a great deal of fear and separation.


It is hardly feasible, useful, rational, or even sensible to assume that another person has a perspective interpretation of the world such as you do. This is probably one of the reasons why psychology, psychiatrists, and self-help books make a lot of money. We spent a lot of time trying to figure out how things are supposed to work rather than accepting people for who they are. It is quite clever actually. They're able to change a few words and change the meaning of those words so that they can continue selling advice every time they study a new characteristic of humanity in Terra Terra.

The key to your happiness in your relationship is quite simple.


Number 1: Choose to be happy.

By choosing to be happy, you send out happy vibes to everyone else. Surely there are some grumpheads that will not adhere to your happy chemicals you are releasing into the air for everyone to explore and encounter. Regardless, what you do there will be a reciprocation.

In some cases, that reciprocation would be beneficial to your existence and in other cases you may not think so.

However, because most individuals live within their own perspective realities and seldom understand anyone else's, it is not your fault others may misinterpret your actions, your words, and so forth.

You as an individual can only do. That is all.

That is to say, that if you were the partner, you can only love that partner and that is all.

If you are in an interest based relationship, you can make demands on how that partner should treat you. It'll be a lot easier this way rather than allowing someone else to guess. However, rest assured that you will be engaging in a interest-based relationship, in which the other side of the equation (that would be your partner) may change their interest at any time.

If you are in a more spiritual relationship:

You would also choose to be happy; however, whatever you get from your relationship may suffice. When you discover that outside reflections of you and others' opinions of you are actually a reflection of themselves, it becomes a great deal easier for you to understand that all worth comes from inside the self. When you're truly happy with yourself, you'll find a reflection that will harmonize with just about anybody you would like to be with. The harmony will bring to you other individuals that can harmonize with you, and thus share existence with you rather than just share a life based on interest.