Lordess of the Rings


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Lordess of the Rings


Rings, as you know, carry many meanings. In concept, the meanings can range anywhere from holding a memory to announcing a new chapter in your life.

Having always been the one who forgoes tradition, ELLE-1 (nicknamed Laurita in the video) decided to purchase a ring that meant her own meaning in life.

Says ELLE-1:

"I've been given many rings. I'm grateful for them, the significance they hold, and for the people who gave them to me. For example, my mom gave me many sterling silver rings with designs of nature or colorful crystals. She knew that I loved nature and enjoyed the creativity of colors. My grandma gave me a golden ring with an opal on it. This ring came from her own family, and she wanted to pass it on the down the line.

"One day I thought of how grateful I was for the discoveries I made in life, the knowledge and wisdom gained, and the people who shared in that with me. I also thought about what I wanted out of life, an important question I first learned to ask when studying all of these topics you will encounter on this website. So I decided to find a ring...a physical representation of where I had been and where I was going. Not only that, but I wanted the ring to serve as a reminder to the mind to keep creating and perpetuating the events that lead to what I desire to become.

"I know, I know--it's a pretty big order for a ring to bear, huh? No wonder we can't find the right ring yet! But the shopping was fun nonetheless. I have The Novie to thank for coming along--it's always fun to share an experience with someone else. Not only that, but I found out that the more a person sees and talks and thinks about an object or event she wants, the more the mind gets a stronger grip on what it wants to create and eventuate.

So looking for this ring and creating the events that lead to it symbolized some very significant knowledge--you need to know where you came from in order to know where you are going."