LogDate: 2012-05-16
Contributor: The Novie
Title: The mind of a Human
Many of us joke and often talk about the lighter side of how we use the brain and the mind by poking fun at some of the focuses that we have.
In many cases, there have been times where we compare the human being with that of the animal kingdom.
However, though we share similarieties with the animal kingdom, there is more evidence leaning towards the notion that Humans are a bit off from what the animal kingdom is really all about.
In recent news, a long life psychologist broke the silence, announcing why psychology does not work.
Humans do not have instincts.
If a baby was born in the middle of the forest without support, it would not know what to do.
Animals, on the other hand (or paw or fin or wing, whatever), follow embedded patterns that allow them to identify what is a mother and what is food. Let's assume that there is a primitive manner in which animals use sound, smell, and color coding in order to recognize what could be the difference between life and death to an infant wildlife creature.
Humans, however, must learn everything from scratch.
From one perspective this could be a dangerous thing.
On the other hand, Humans are born with a blank slate. So it is very unbelievable that we are all born killers, born sinners, or born saints for that matter.
The key to understanding your personality lies in how we create associations in the neocortex.
The reality is, the brain itself is composed of chemicals. This is the blunt summary, and I am working on summarizing because I was told by both MOTHER and ELLE-1 that is something I need to work on more...how bleh.
These chemicals are composed of many things, such as hormones, sugars, blood, and other substances that are taken into the body, such as food, salts, water, and so forth. A habit, for instance, is nothing but a bundle of brain cells called neuro dendrites stuck together. So, if you think about it, the habit can be broken...broken up like breaking a bundle, that is.
So when the process of quitting smoking starts, there are multiple processes going on in the brain that involve taking apart bundles of neuro dendrites (breaking a habit) and putting together new bundles (forming a new habit). This process is largely responsible for the discomfort and emotional stress involved in breaking and making habits. So the next time you are learning something new and you feel tired, irritated, even a little depressed, knowing that it is a natural reaction to the process of creating a new habit can, believe it or not, ease some of those symptoms.
I suppose I can honestly say this information comes second nature to me...but from what I understand of my own experiences and from listening to ELLE-1, this is knowledge that most people take for granted or completely forget.
So I guess I need to take into consideration that most people will need assistance in this area...breaking and making habits, as well as the processes and structure of the human brain and how it relates to personality development, creating a new life for yourself, and the choices that they make.
Creating a new life for yourself, personally, has always been one of my own focal points. '
Either way, we're here to help.
Have you taken a good look around you?
Are people getting bigger or is the world getting smaller?
Is there really more to you to love?
With the medical industry boasting that it is so good,
why oh why do I feel so bad?
For most individuals, and we're referring to the common person that has a 9-to-5 job, the idea of going to the doctor causes sighs, panic, screams, and a slew of other outbursts consistent with having to go to the dreadful doctor's office.
If we are to focus on American doctors, it may be rather advantageous to understand that America is comprised of nothing more than corporations running other corporations. The lobbyists are the ones who inform the larger corporation what may be in the best interest of both sides of the corporations.
The individuals that get caught in the crossfire are equivalent to willing slaves. And here's why.
Corporations invest in a great deal of money and psychology. The use of psychological studies is to really "help" you choose their product a lot better.
One of the common ideas is that obesity is produced by eating too much. In other words, when the calories that you are consuming a more than the calories you're burning, you gain excess weight.
[Here's what you don't know]
Most of us are not eating simply because we are hungry.
Rather, most of us are overeating because we lack the nutrients in the foods that we eat and therefore continue to crave foods to replenish the nutrient.
If we look at the body from the point of view where the body needs energy, certain nutrients to repair cellular structures atomic structures, and so on, it would stand to reason that if we do not give the body the correct ingredients to fix itself, illness and breakdonw occurs.
However, it is indeed equally true that if the body is not replenished with the proper energy, it will remain hungry. Hence, we continue to make an incomplete statement about the cause of obesity. This partial truth gets handed down from one person to another.
When we have enough energy in our biological system, such as supplementation (also providing that there is no psychological programming, like petty associations with food and happiness) the body decides it is no longer hungry and cravings begin to subside.
The animal kingdom provides quite an example. Here we find hourses chewing on metal or wood where human hands have made contact. Usually the animals will lick these areas to obtain the nutrients located in the salt from the sweat. Therefore, many times when our cat or dog is licking us, these chaps may just be licking us for the sake of removing the nutrients from our natural body perspiration. Most farmers who have horses call this peculiar behavior cribbing.
If you're one of the people caught in the crossfire of deception, manipulation, and even life threatening situations, ask yourself, "Why now?" Ask yourself why these large corporations are so money hungry that they would risk your life by giving you false information and lead you down the bunny trail trying to figure out how bunnies actually make Easter eggs.
If you are one of those people thinking about this and can't seem to understand the BIG WHY, ask yourself one question and one question alone. How often is it that you use your own money to benefit someone else that will not benefit you?
The first answer may be how people give to churches. But the truth of the matter is, some people give to the church with the hope of receiving some benefit from the high Almighty. The other benefit of giving to church is the fact that you may feel ashamed if you give nothing if someone else is giving something. The next benefit is the ability to reduce guilt that you already have, which consequently was probably placed there by the church itself or your mother and father.
For the expanded thinking, this is a very easy thing to understand indeed.
Corporations such as the medical industry are pretty much the same thing.
To a certain extent, doctors or scientists and that part of the industry should be admired. Unfortunately, some of the so-called doctors/scientists are often fired on the spot without warning when they make discoveries that can eliminate the use of pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceuticals in themselves are not bad per se. They have their detriments; the misuse or prolonged use of them normally cause damage to the human body, whether at the cellular level, psychological level, emotional level, chemical level, and so on.
We are here to make things right.
You just have to listen.
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Shake that money maker!
The act of losing weight is a $40 billion industry. The fact that all natural supplements must read that they are not FDA approved places doubt in the subconscious mind and lets you know that you are probably better off asking a doctor about the reason why you may be overweight.
Remember, jolly fat leads to jolly rich for them!
As it seems, there are many illnesses that deal with the lack of correct nutritional support. This lack of nutrients feeds the corporations in the end. So consider alternatives beyond the expensive weight loss programs.
You don't understand the psychology!
The types of psychological games that are played move the focus of the individual psychology to turn to doctors for support. Doctors receive very little to almost no training in what is natural supplementation, health and nutrition, etc.
Many common folk do not know this and therefore expect that the doctor will give him the best advice. In fact, the only advice doctors can give you according to the medical industry is advice on exercise and what combination of pharmaceuticals to take. This is a rather limited spectrum of solutions when you think of the various, unique needs of each person.
You are lazy.
There has always been an innate function in folks to desire everything now and in the present. As a matter of fact, many ancient teachings tell you that you need to live in the now.
The side effect of living in the so-called "now", is really rather simple. When one lives in the now, all that matters is the present. This is a very easy way to get sidetracked and not pay attention to what may come up in the future if you don't take care of yourself.
[Notes for Expanded Consciousness]
Let's be clear! Individuals in what is esoterically termed "limited thinking" who live in the now do not see the furture too clearly. Therefore, a master manipulator can shape your future for you without you even knowing it. Living in the now is a good thing indeed. However, it is not the only thing. If you live on earth you are living in a dualistic system of power and harmony. You should then be as peaceful as a dove and as wise as the snake. Sound familiar? It should!
Let’s repeat for you chaps out there: Live in the now, but understand your path and what may be at the end of the path. This is the expanded formula to success.
For expanded consciousness or those interested with having a good experience while visiting or being on earth, you should always project into the future that which you want to be or experience. Even the Limited Thinking of business people is savvy enough to write down a mission statement and goals. Some even dabble in vision boards and charts. So don't ask Daniel, an old boy from the UK, to be kinder in my writing. I am just the messenger.
[Back to Limited Consciousness Humana]
The problem of living in the now manifests itself even uglier and with a vengeance when one fails to act upon items today that will help you tomorrow. When you live in the now, you also seek out immediate gratification and forget that other things are a little bit more long-term.
Therefore, most individuals react to being ill more so than react to being well and keeping themselves well. Some scientists and researchers have called this an animal factor or in crude terms, the "monkey man".
It is essential to meet up in corporation environments, since they comprehend and control most of the commerce.
One must have foresight of what is yet to come (this is often referred to as wisdom).
To overcome this crucial problem, one must be able to go back to that number one.
Otherwise it's coitins! Lights out, see!!
The first thing to consider is that when you're speaking to Americans, or even the English (somewhat), there is this idea that the rest of the world does not exist.
So far, the number one place for obesity is the United States of America. That is to say that the rest of the world is managing their weight problems a lot better.
The medical industry sometimes does not allow solutions and ideas that work in other countries to enter the borders of the United States. This is the case with other countries as well. You may think rightfully so! It is important to have some type of inspection or control over what enters our borders, after all.
That would be rather fine. If, that is, the capitalist countries would not be so corrupt and be more concerned with making profit at the expense of the middle class and below.
When we’re using a great deal of pesticides in our natural foods, and the fact that we eat nonorganic commercial foods that come from a soil which is depleted of minerals, we’ve a few problems. For one, when you are eating foods that lack the energy to make the body function properly, you immediately deprive your body of the sporting chance to work with a full energy supply. Not to mention the fact that chemicals and pesticides are damaging to the body, you put the body under a great deal of stress where it can no longer function properly.
When this occurs, now you’ve several more complications. The body begins to create problems with inflammation, organs which are essential for the detoxification of the body begin to fail, and the constant demand performance from Corporation to Corporation (you know the sort: making your money so you can have food, clothing, shelter, pay your taxes and pay the doctors for their services and pharmaceuticals) all contribute to the large problem of obesity.
Educate Yourself:
"Get out of reading the mainstream news! And find yourself other sources."
There's a very serious issue when it comes to the news media. When it comes to mainstream media, you’ve really only have a copy of what one person says that has very little to do with research.
This creates a serious detriment indeed. Why? Education is probably one of the most primal factors in combating most illnesses, especially when you consider the recent discovery that over nine hundred major illnesses can be eliminated just by obtaining proper diet. The word diet refers to what it is that you eat. It was never intended to say or mean a reduction of food.
Understand What it Means to be a Corporation:
"Stop being afraid that someone is attempting to sell you something and start educating yourself on whether or not you need what they are selling."
What are the essential 90 vitamins, nutrients, and minerals?
Join the Health Revolution.
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The thing that corporations need when dealing with the capitalistic point of view country is someone to buy their products.
The New England Medical Journal of Medicine has stated that Obesity is not due to overeating. Obviously then you may have issues if you overeat.
The premise here is that food is essentially energy for the body. There are foods that are higher in energy, but due to many problems with Genetically Modified Foods (GMF), processed foods, and cheap foods, the energy is just not in the food anymore.
Since the 1960's, the US has stated that only 4 minerals need be placed in the soil in order to enrich soil. But today's market is even better. Commercial farmers are forced to use GM seeds and organic farms are being closed down with the help of the FDA and the Agriculture community.
Well, chaps, the joke is on us. The human body requires over 90 essential nutrients daily, so it is very difficult to understand how the US is doing the math here.
According to Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Joel Wallach, the very same individual that sued the FDA to allow certain information to be public knowledge, over 900 different illnesses or so-called diseases can be avoided if human beings adhere to eating foods that are high in nutrients and all the nutrients were within the body.
Eating organic foods is a start. But the depleted soil may not allow for the foods to inherit the nutrients that the body needs.
We would suggest that for individuals who desire to be healthy and have long-term wellness, seriously consider not only the foods that they eating, but also consider the nutrients they are not taking in.
Good luck chaps! And may the Source be with you.
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