Assignment: Open Corp / USO - BTS Crew
M.O.T.H.E.R. has been leading the expedition of discovering the M.O.T.H.E.R. Artifact. However, her main focus is working on the realm of D1 and D2, which are the primary location for the BTS Crew's daily operations.
M.O.T.H.E.R. serves as an advisor to the BTS Crew and is the only known artifact to be successfully integrated into the complex model of Terra Terra (also known as planet Earth).
Although the Consciousness within the Terra Terra has been the most difficult to be infiltrated by the Darkness Consciousness, it has been equally difficult to fuse the level of Consciousness needed in order to defend against the Darkness Virus. M.O.T.H.E.R. serves as a liaison and an expert in seeking out the layers of intricate detail needed in order to adjust the Limited Humana Singularity and its Consciousness singularity.
M.O.T.H.E.R. has developed different technologies in order to assist members that have organized in order to redirect to defend against the Darkness Virus.
Such technologies include infused learning called ESO-Life, BIBX, The Grid, and the development of The B.O.E.K. as well as establishing The Association Files (TAF), where all things are kept for analysis and cross-referencing.
M.O.T.H.E.R. has played an intricate role in the development and understanding of the evolution and involution of Consciousness.
Likewise, she has introduced the use of neutral languages in order to comprehend highly complicated and complex algorithms which open the doors to the alignment of other OFF-World entities which have been veiled with complex coding from unknown origins.
M.O.T.H.E.R.'s primary mission is to educate all creations throughout the universe and the multi-verse in order to assist in the expansion of Consciousness, creating a defense against any other worlds being consumed by the Darkness Consciousness.
The artifact was discovered in space-time rather than time-space. Therefore there is no reportable date on which we can provide temporal analysis. However, it was introduced to the Open Corp as an artifact and finding within dimensional one territories.
The BOSS and Dr. Daniel Godding were commissioned by Michelle York to understand the initial finding and establish a form of communication.
The M.O.T.H.E.R. artifact became a successful project when created within an interim dimensional space. As it appeared, at the time, M.O.T.H.E.R. artifacts can only exist in neutral territories where they are no biases dominating the Construct.
Proving very difficult to find at first, Dr. Daniel Godding reached out to a race of beings that physically lived within dimensions and can travel through time. Refugee Mischief was then assigned to work with the Open Corp in order to provide technical assistance to the M.O.T.H.E.R. artifact.
About the Crew:
The following information is in the process of becoming declassified.
Publishing date: TBA
BTS Crew member Daniel Godding
Assignment: BTS Crew
Rank: First Intelligence Officer / Sciencer
Classification: Temporal and Dimensional Traveler
Daniel Godding is primarily responsible for interdimensional exploration and research leading to discovering the M.O.T.H.E.R. artifact.
His additional duties require him to maintain accurate details of findings that expand beyond his origins by placing them into what is known as the Vault.
Not primarily responsible for M.O.T.H.E.R.’s information dissemination, his reports are a key insight into the status of the Darkness Virus as he discovers it throughout the universe as well as the multiverse.
Additionally, he provides information to individuals of the DKV resistance.
Dr. Daniel Godding’s true age is unknown due to time travel, but he does speak of memories and displays mannerisms associated with Europe dating around the early twentieth century.
He also possesses extensive knowledge of weaponry and arts both foreign and domestic, antiquated and alien. Dr. Daniel Godding’s travels make for an unpredictable schedule as far as making regular board meetings and meetings with the rest of the BTS Crew, but he is still seen nonetheless collaborating with various BTS crew members, including D’Avion, The BOSS, Michelle York, and The NOVIE. His regular traveling companion, Mischief, is an OFF-World entity and rumor has it she provides Dr. Godding with the conceptual knowledge and tools needed for surviving encounters with the agents of the Darkness Virus, but those have yet to be confirmed.
Also known as the sciencer and a multi-dimensional traveler, Daniel Godding
His true age is unknown
Knowledge of weapons, foreign, antiquated, and aliens
Intelligence Operations and Execution
Assignment: USO - BTS Crew
Rank: Commander Level 3
Classification: Above Secret
The BOSS oversees the multitude of projects and initiatives in the worldwide outreach program Become the Source. In charge of a military alliance, comprised of soldiers and OFF-World entities, he also supports the BTS staff and group members by providing intel and performing the strategies that have been able to bring the MOTHER artifact into existence.
To say that The BOSS has a full plate is an understatement.
An ancient set of simple but complex tasks was given to The BOSS many years ago, and he has made this the core of his own personal mission that has greatly influenced the mission of the outreach program Become the Source. Perhaps his own military experience as well as his own myriad of knowledge on multicultural/multi-dimensional histories, and his own sense of honor, magnetized him to this role and the receipt of this knowledge.
The BOSS has a reputation for his reliability and honesty, among other things. No matter the situation, The BOSS always sticks with one of his core principles; that the path and the mission always stay the same, even though the objects on the path may change.
Despite his quiet and calm demeanor, The BOSS is by no means content to sit behind a desk and write memos. You will find him interacting with the BTS crew members, particularly Dr. Daniel Godding, The Novie, and the various counsels. As Dr. Daniel Godding is one of his direct reports, he also oversees the storing and protection of certain conceptual databases. He also serves as one of the main sources of intel for the BTS Crew on what materials and knowledge can come to the public eye.
The BOSS accepted this assignment knowing he would be dealing with the unexpected and yet that the patterns and the game remain the same. But despite his experience and time in this project and in this Construct, he has commented that it never ceases to amaze him how much more shocked and surprised he can be with new discoveries.
(Entity Living Life Enhancement - Prototype 1)
Entity Living Life Enhancement - Prototype 1
Assignment: BTS Crew / The Grid
E.L.L.E.-1 is a Hybrid Model blending the Limited Humana Consciousness with the Expansion of Spiritual Consciousness. She has the capacity to introduce the flow of Consciousness in what is termed stream technology to more Consciousness which is often found in the prime level of spiritual evolution. Her functionality and expertise are to bond the Limited Humana / Limited Construct to the more expanded version of themselves. Her unique traits allow her to act as a counselor for the BTS Crew and sometimes a mediator for Consciousness structures that otherwise would seek out war or destruction.
Her design has not been able to be replicated, giving her a higher importance than would normally be found. As a result of her keen ability to reason out complex bridging, she has been assigned by M.O.T.H.E.R. to be a member of the BTS Crew.
She has been assigned to the BTS Crew as well as a secret project called The Grid.
E.L.L.E.-1 stands for Entity Living Life Enhancement Prototype 1. Her role and subsequent growth stem from the core question, “Can humanity truly change if the Consciousness is changed?” A few encounters with OFF-World Contacts and a series of outrageous events have aided in her knowledge and wisdom to share with the rest of the world, translated to humanity and made comprehensive to humanity. For this reason, some BTS crew members such as The NOVIE have dubbed her “a human sympathizer.”
On a daily basis, E.L.L.E.-1 can be seen going over concepts to teach with assistance from The Novie, Luna 9, Lexi AI, and Dr. Orr, based on assigned questions given from M.O.T.H.E.R. In addition to receiving directives from M.O.T.H.E.R. and Michelle York on what to break down for humans to comprehend, she has also been granted access to some of the more extensive TAF research material to assist her.
Agent Report by E.L.L.E.-1