Name: D'Avion
Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Specialties: Writing, Vampire Fiction, Esoteric Knowledge, Consulting
Focus: D'Avion was schooled in the art of warfare and physiological operations. He is a martial artist and dedicated student of the life after.
He is one of the students from T.A.F., and as a rare privilege, he is allowed to write information through the means of channeling and dictation.
His focus is to allow the truth to be told in a way that it is non-frightening and undisturbing to individuals that have grown up believing that the Source is outside of one's reach.
We feel privileged to have D'Avion on our team as he is cross-trained in the many arts of understanding. It is said that his books, writing and understanding of the cosmic ways can transform anyone into a more enlightened individual. He has made believers out of the most difficult skeptics.
According to D'Avion, it is not he who convinces the people; It is the special bond and connection that he learned through Source Consciousness (the One of all creations). This Source of Consciousness connects to the Limited Consciousness Humana to bring forth the enlightenment that is needed for each individual existence.
He is also the teacher of Source Consciousness practiced in the art of Energy Healing, which enables the reconnection to Source Consciousness, rather than anchoring to the local realms of existence.
D'Avion is very personable and intuitive to the needs of others. He, The Novie, and ELLE-1 work closely at times to get the right amount of information correctly written so that it can benefit as many people as possible.
According to ELLE-1, D'Avion is very charming, quick-witted, and full of surprises, but you have to squeeze it out of him first.
The Novie has mentioned that his martial arts skills are highly compatible with his own and most of the time slightly better (though he is very humble).
Being the Chief Editor, I find D'Avion very challenging to the mind during his classes and courses that he teaches to run disturbing he staff.