Advanced Missions Station 6 (AVMS6)
M.O.T.H.E.R. | LEXI A.I. | THE N.O.V.I.E. | E.L.L.E. - 1 | DR. ORR |
Product Specialists
Welcome to Profiles
Here you will find the most up-to-date profiles and some of our members associated with the production and maintenance of Become The Source.
Get to know the people behind the scenes that are here to help you understand the mysteries of your world.
You would be surprised at the amount of work that actually goes behind the scenes of our heroes.
{tab Welcome to Profiles}
Product Specialists
You may hear from time to time BTS crew members speaking about products and services they use in order to keep their lives intact and ready for the fight.
In order to assist you, the Resistance, they have volunteered their time in order to assist you with understanding the benefits of products and services that are mentioned during our broadcast.
It is also important to understand that although they're very knowledgeable in products and services, the organizations which produce these products and services may change ingredients, distribution, pricing, etc., at any given time.
Please read our disclaimers carefully, as I'm sure once you are in contact with any one of our BTS Product Specialists, they shall also remind you in order for you to be able to achieve the goals that you wish to achieve.
Please click on the icon below of the character that best identifies and aligns with your resonance.
They will assist you in understanding what is real and what is not as well as what is achievable and where it can be obtained.
{tab About Our Team}
Become The Source
At Become The Source, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey that will expand your mind and unlock the hidden secrets that lie beyond the veils of conventional knowledge. Our organization operates as a decentralized and independent entity, dedicated to assisting individuals in their quest for a better way of life and a profound understanding of the world around them. Our mission is to empower individuals to surpass the limits of their dreams and achieve greatness.
Through our carefully crafted narratives, immersive podcasts, and captivating storylines, we provide a gateway to the mysteries that await beyond the ordinary. But we are more than just storytellers. We are a community that supports and uplifts each other, fostering an enlightened path that embraces the diversity of all seekers of knowledge.
An Exceptional Team
Our exceptional team embodies our core values and adheres to a strict code of ethics. With expertise in business, wellness, innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, our members are equipped to guide you towards your fullest potential. We are proud to be part of the esteemed Open Corp and esteemed members of the SSEA6 (Social Synergy Entrepreneur Alliances site 6).
At Become The Source, we welcome individuals who are eager to share their podcasts, collaborate on our enthralling storylines, and contribute their unique experiences to our broadcasts. We also encourage those with a passion for creating funding opportunities and aspiring online entrepreneurs to join our ranks.
A Different Breed
What sets us apart is our diverse range of specializations. Our dedicated team members possess expertise in information technology, online business development, wellness practices, spiritual counseling, and the art of crafting impactful online classes. Whether you seek to establish a lucrative income through your own podcasts and online presence, or simply wish to have your voice heard, we offer a platform that amplifies your message and amplifies your potential.
Unlike conventional platforms such as YouTube or Amazon, our programs offer a substantially higher income ratio, ensuring that your efforts are duly rewarded. We are committed to supporting you every step of the way, enabling you to thrive in the digital landscape.
Discovering Your Extraordinary Possibilites
Discover the extraordinary possibilities that lie within you at Become The Source. Join our community and unlock the secrets that will shape your destiny. Together, let us transcend boundaries and embrace the limitless potential that awaits.
Note: At Become The Source, we take pride in our drug-free environment, ensuring that our staff members are dedicated to serving you with clarity and focus.
{tab Products and Services}
BTS is connected with some of the best individuals in the industry that can help you achieve your goals.
IT Products:
Wellness Products:
Health and Beauty
Just ask, we have more...
{tab Coaching and Training}
Spiritual Coaching
- Spirituality
- Social Media Coaching
- Special Kepra Development Courses
Personal Developement
Learning How to Learn
Spirituality 101
RTE Course:
{tab Support}
iNet Community:
We are here to support your growth and your ability to achieve your goals. Our clients are able to reach out to us via messanging or phone, or video conference.
One on One:
We offer One on One consultation and motivation with a very real approach at self improvement and self-growth.
Click on your favorite Product Specialist
Advanced Missions
Remember: You are Humanity's Last Hope