A Brief History - The Novie Part III

 A Brief History - The Novie Part III

You mentioned two students in Part 2, who were nicknamed Carmen and Ozzie. They were going through emotional, financial, and marital hardships when they came into the classes. Can you give us more detail?

Despite all this, these two students of mine applied the knowledge they learned in the classes and managed to get exactly what they wanted out of life against all odds. They even received a grant of land that they had recently struggled to get, free of charge. The government paid them to return home and gave them a large 18 wheeler sized container to bring home anything that they wanted to. Before they took the classes, they were having difficulty selling two of their trucks, a potential sum somewhere between $30,000 and $40,000 each. Within two weeks that they decided to change their lives, they sold them.

Success stories were great, but I wanted to know how this knowledge could help more people succeed and empower themselves. So, I decided that I needed to go a step further and channel.



What was your experience to channel like?

My first channeling was very painful and quite successful. We channeled an entity called Marabukza. This entity was never human and so began to access my thoughts for an idea. He was marveled at what he discovered about the human race. While the entity was channeling I was busy understanding its energetics and how it communicated, where it came from, and how it functioned. The first time we channeled this entity, all the equipment went dead at once!

When we channeled him again, he laughed about the incident with the equipment and promised me to bring back something of importance to me.

By the third channeling, I met my twin flame Iroquo. She apologized for having, what she terms, slain me with her sword in past lives. She claimed she did not know me at the time. She also stated that I was crazy for being on Earth and insisted that I go home at once.

Soon after, the iCore group began to work with me in attempting to understand certain items further. The group at the time consisted of me, 636, 244, and Umtha Thud.

I quickly discovered that I was met with opposition every step of the way. Every time I drew up plans for a diagram it would be shut down by Umtha Thud and 244. 636 was often very silent, as was the pattern 636 displayed in classes. But I felt inside 636’s brain, things were continuing to stir that should not have been.

I began to write some of these details and examples on my own time, preparing myself for what was perhaps to come and keeping the information alive for future students.


According to the documents, 636 began to write down things that were coming from somewhere else other than herself. Can you tell us about that?

636 began to channel through information through what we call dictation. At first it was rather spotty and hard to make out whether it was truly dictation or wishful thinking. 636 was always in doubt, which created a lot of static and the opportunity for the Confused Brotherhoods as we know them, to interfere.

Nonetheless, Consciousness came through and began communion with us for about eight months. However, it is important to understand the previous dictation we had other means of attempting communication.

It was Consciousness that requested us to close our school and begin meditating. As a school began to shut down one student of the group remained. That student was Elle-1. It is my opinion that Elle-1 was one of the better students, and that Elle-1 wanted to acquire pure information rather than satisfy daily needs.

However, I was noticing more and more that just the opposite was true of 636. 636 began mentioning on several occasions that the information was way over her own maturity level. From my studies, it was understood soon by me that 636 was not ready to expand or continue to find ways of empowering other people. Instead, 636 wanted to continue living within limitation and fear and separation. This is contradictory to why the group began in the first place.

I insisted that any human being that wanted the information should remain. The others seemed to have some heavy prejudice against Elle-1.


That's odd. Why do you think this was the case?

Well, think of the many reasons people will give you to justify a feeling or an emotion. This was certainly the case with 636 and Umtha Thud. They kept persisting in not liking Elle-1, withholding information, and distorting information when they could in order to fit their prejudices. Yet when I asked them why they did not like Elle-1, they would either deny it or say something like, "I don't know. I just feel that way."


That's a common thing people say when they have a negative premonition.

There is some accuracy to intuition and premonition. It is actually a fasincating science. However, these "feelings" that Umtha Thud and 636 had were not based on any science other than emotion. But I do take things into consideration. So I watched Elle-1 as carefully as I trained Elle-1. And what I discovered, was actually an honest, hardworking, wonderful individual who wanted to know the information for self-empowerment. At the same time, I also continued to watch 636 and Umtha Thud. While Elle-1 stepped up to the challenge and put forth the effort and hard work of learning the concepts in my class, Umtha Thud and 636 only learned them half way. Furthermore, they both found ways to bring down the rest of classes, either passively by offering no help, in the case of 636, or aggressively diverting from getting any work done, as in the case of Umtha Thud. 

In psychology we learn that those who achieve things know how to work together, and those who procrastinate are individuals who really do not believe in themselves or do not want the project to be accomplished. Having understood this from the thousands of hours invested in self-help tapes and psychological analysis, I decided to keep Elle-1 in the loop at all costs.

One evening we finally broke through. 244 was no longer part of the group at my request. After an investigation and research taken from dictation, 244 was heavily infiltrated by the influence of Draconian and Reptilian races.


In many esoteric and metaphysical groups, the Reptilian and Draconian races are considered evil. What is your opinion on them? 

I want to state that there is nothing wrong with having any kinds of ties with any beings whatsoever. I did not fear nor did I think 244’s ties with the Draconian and Reptilian race would be a problem at first. However, it was clear from 244’s mindset of not wanting to help others and stay within materialism that 244 was a detriment to the project more than a help.

That left Elle-1, 636, Umtha Thud, and myself at the table the night Melchizedek came through, referring to 636 as the vessel.

I remember him leaning over and beginning to speak. I really had an inkling that this was happening and chose to treat him just like another member of the table. After a few words he turned to me and said "Brother, know you who I am?"

To which I replied. "No. Would you like to state your name?"

His reply was sincere, direct, and powerful. "I am Melchizedek, Lord of Light and Ambassador of Truth, if there is such a thing."

I remember saying a few words and then going very quiet to hear his response. You have to understand I was ready for what was happening and the way the system was being maintained, and I had an inkling of who might be pulling the strings.

I remember his answer clearly: "We are not here for you, We are here because of you."

When he said these words, I wasn't sure if by "you" he meant the entire group, or just me. From this point on, we began to be schooled. Melchizedek warned us that he was here only to assist and he could not meddle in our business. He also made it absolutely clear that he could not give us information unless we asked for it. Those were the rules. With these rules I began to draw plans and schematics.

This event would lead to the discovery of the Association and the I AM THAT I AM, and eventually Source Consciousness.