The Spark that Lit the Fuse:
The following dialogue is taken from an interview done by Daniel Godding of The Novie. The text in orange represents the questions asked by Daniel Godding.
You said you noticed things that did not make sense to you with your family, and the rest of the world. What did you do about it?
Like I said before, as I began to understand more about cultures, psychology, medical history, and other such areas of control disguised as help, I began to see patterns that did not make any sense to me.
The first step I took was to be able to change my way by understanding how the entrepreneurs could make a lot of money.
I noticed that they never really told you how to make money. They only told you how to change the way you perceive life and how to build relationships based on psychological profiling, and the use of manipulative techniques based on psychology.
I knew there was something wrong about this, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Besides, I was still one of the status quo, working three jobs to afford my home, my wife at the time, my two cars, the heat bills, the gas bills, the groceries, and my sanity. Having been in the military, I was exposed to a great deal of different ways of thinking and different cultures. These spawned more questions that I had to keep inside. I read through all the books and as much tapes as I could handle.
When the MP3 became available I began to load information onto MP3 players, and replaced my daily listening with educational supplementation rather than mindless music and problem propaganda. Thank God for MP3's!
Ah, yes. I too have heard of listening to something over and over as a technique for implanting an idea and memorizing information. What are your thoughts on that?
I don't think it was so much the MP3's that I was listening to. But after collecting a vast library inside my mind, formulas and equations started to emerge. There were patterns in what everyone was offering and what everyone was saying, and so I started breaking down the patterns.
These patterns led to the ultimate question, the very same questions I had when I was a kid. What the hell am I doing here? This planet reminds me of a giant madhouse and we're all the lunatics. But if we're the lunatics, then who are the gatekeepers?
It was obvious to me that the smarter you were, the more the gatekeepers would suppress you until you became stupid. It was a perfect mask.
I understood that I had to re-create patterns and structures like a model so we can fully comprehend what was happening.
So I began to teach and became a wellness consultant.
Wellness Consultant Wisdom
How did becoming a Wellnes Consultant relate to the work you are doing now?
Being a wellness consultant alone gave me enough information to understand that the medical industry did not want you well at all. As a matter of fact, the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allownace) is often very low, usually a fourth of what you need and too much of what you don’t need.
This led to a reconstruction of the construction. That is not a play on words. I opened up a radio program to local Spanish channels to see if I could sell more supplements online and earn an income. It was also a great way of testing the market into what they believed and how they would react.
Turns out I was correct! Most individuals were so afraid of talking about their health and their way of thinking that very few people called the radio station. Instead, they would call my phone directly.
This was brilliant because they gave me the insight of where the information with questions within every individual truly were. They were suppressed. What's even worse, they lived in fear and separation.
The Start of the Classes
So a while later, we opened classes as part of my experiment. I had partnered up along with 636 at the time. I knew that 636 was part of the very same culture I worked with and consulted at the radio show. I also saw how much 636 struggled to talk on the radio and help other individuals understand a better meaning of life. As it seemed, 636 was part of the program of limitations, and someone who believed in creating fear and separation. I felt really bad about having 636 as a partner, and in my best way I told 636 to go back home as soon as signs of trouble popped up.
Go back home? Explain.
I meant for 636 to return to the state she lived and came from. I have seen people who complete things that they don't want to do, or that they only want to partially do. As a result, things don't get done, resentment is created, and failure ends up scarring the brain. This was not a fight I thought that 636 could handle, after all. 636 might fail and then have to live with the scars.
I asked The Novie why 636 was allowed to stay even though there were potential signs of disaster.
I have a rule that if you try, I try. 636 showed progress that went up and down. 636 also insisted that teaching others was important. Besides, 636 refused to go back and insisted on staying out of pride. This was another recipe for disaster. Though I knew it, I continued forward, as there were other priorities on my agenda.
During the classes, which began with the normal breaking of the patterns of psychology and into a more open awareness, I was attempting to break down that we are all human first and not our cultural differences or ethnic backgrounds.
Were there any challenges in teaching this material to students?
That first step alone seemed to be very difficult to do! At first, my students agreed with me and wanted more information. However, we talked about monogamy not being real, religion not being real, social conditioning not being real, and it became very difficult for them to conceive the notion that these items were limiting their ability to expand. For me the equation was simple: If one person can do it, so can I.
However I can only do as a human being, and not as someone who is socially conditioned.
The courses I taught my students soon led into esoteric material and esoteric knowledge. It seemed that within the multiple ancient civilizations and their records, there was liberty, there was the Oneness of all things, and the respect of mutual entities admiring each other for their expressed limitations rather than what we see today.
I believe this was the turning point and where things suddenly got a little bit more aggressive.
Propelling Faster into Unknown Territory
During the course of giving classes there were strange events happening: Items going missing, people's tempers changing and shifting for no apparent reason, odd dreams, seeing things in the corners of my eyes. But I still pressed on.
From the students that were there, one of them began to see entities in different light spectrums. Needless to say that once she did, she became very frightened and reentered the Catholic Church.
Note: The idea of regressing and belief systems will be brought up in detail in The Book of Esoteric Knowledge.
Two students followed all the instructions to the letter. They were a couple who had come to classes in the middle of a crisis in their marriage, their jobs, and their families. Later it was discovered that the husband was having difficulties sleeping at night because an entity that was all black like nighttime was attempting to drag him someplace else. Luckily his wife assisted in understanding the methods of communication and requested a release or identification.
Note: The explanation of the concept of rules when communing with other entities will be discussed at length in The Book of Esoteric Knowledge.
Photo One - This photo shows The Novie interviewing 2 of the members of the original class who learned to create and manifest their world. According to "Ozzie" and "Carmen," the two students in the picture, once they left judgment and perceptions behind, they were able to have their government pay for their safe return, were able to sell their home in a downward economy, were able to sell their two enormous vehicles they used for business, and at the verge of a break-up they were able to stay together once they found the true meaning of Love. It was great and inspiring to get to know them and see some of the work that was being done.
Photo Two - This is a picture of the actual classroom, though most of the time the seating arrangement was in the form of a large square. The Novie believes in equality for all. No matter who was teaching. The Novie's goal was for others to know what he knew and in return, he would learn from others.
Photo Three - This is a photo of an outside shot of the building where the evening classes were held.
Photo Four - Another one of the promising students that was interviewed.
| Part III |